
Friday, May 4, 2012

A Deadly Grind

When vintage cookware and cookbook collector Jaymie Leighton spies an original 1920s Hoosier brand kitchen cabinet at an estate auction, it's love at first sight. Despite the protests of her sister, Rebecca, that the 19th-century yellow brick house they co-own in Michigan is already too cluttered with Jaymie's 'junk', she successfully outbids the other buyers and triumphantly takes home herHoosier.

But that night on the summer porch where they've left the Hoosier until it's cleaned up, a man is murdered, struck on the head with the steel meat grinder that is a part of the cabinet. Who is this stranger, and what was he doing on their porch? Does his death have anything to do with the Hoosier?

As the police struggle to determine the man's identity, Jaymie does a little digging on her own, accompanied by her three-legged Yorkie-Poo, Hoppy. But in her bid to uncover the truth about the hidden secrets of the Hoosier, Jaymie may be the one who ends up going, going... gone!

I've found a new favorite cozy character...Jaymie Leighton. She is so refreshing, and I see so much of myself in old-fashioned girl living in a modern world, happy to be a homebody and live her own life. I loved the scenes where big sister Becca teases Jaymie about her overstuffed kitchen, yet she's still buying more. (I didn't know anything about Hoosiers but can now see myself wanting to own one! The history of vintage cookware and recipes is fascinating; a part of our heritage that should not be forgotten. Just because everything is modern and technological today doesn't make it better.) And I love how Jaymie is an aspiring cookbook writer, and hope to read more about her fledgling career. And I don't even need to say how much I love Hoppy the feisty Yorkie-Poo and grumpy little Denver!

I really enjoyed the historical significance of Jaymie's hometown of Queensville, nestled on the US-Canada border, and the "Tea with the Queen" event. I hope further books in the series feature more of the town's festivals, especially Dickens' Days at Christmas!

So as I obviously adore the characters and setting of the book, I also loved the mystery, and was truly stumped. There are so many shady characters roaming around Queensville, all double-crossing each other, that when the true killer is finally revealed it is a surprise indeed.

I can't wait for the next book in this series...this is without question one of my favorite "first in a series" ever!!!


  1. Jaymie sounds like my kind of character too. I'm glad it was so good!

  2. I just downloaded it to my kindle fire yesterday. It's in line on my TBR list...Sounds like my kind of mystery

  3. I just finished it and I enjoyed it. Will be mentioned on my monthly Cozy Chicks post.

  4. Thanks for the heads up, I put it on my reading list.
    Una Tiers
