
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (#2)

“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, which spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

Melody Carlson has two books releasing on September 1st, both of which have been sitting on my Wish List for months. The first is a wagon train story, one of my favorite themes in western historicals. Because of my Little House on the Prairie obsession, I am fascinated by westward travel in the 19th century. The second is a Christmas novella, the type of book I can't devour fast enough when the holiday season finally arrives. I have a huge collection of Christmas books (which you'll soon be discovering!) and this little gem will be one of my first purchases of 2012.

Kentucky, 1854—Elizabeth Martin has mourned her husband’s death for three years, but now she feels ready to fulfill the dream they had shared—to take their two children west. The dream becomes reality when her middle-aged parents and bachelor brother surprise her with the news that they want to go as well.

After converting three of their best wagons to prairie schooners and thoroughly outfitting them, the little party travels from Kentucky to Kansas City, where they join a substantial wagon train. Elizabeth soon finds herself being drawn to the group’s handsome guide, Eli Kincade.

The long journey and deepening relationships challenge the travelers to their core, and Eli’s mysterious past leaves Elizabeth with more questions than answers. She knows there’s no turning back, but she wonders, What have I gotten myself into?

Eight-year-old Lucy Turnbull knew better than to wish for a pony that Christmas in 1937. Her mother had assured her in no uncertain terms that asking for a pony was the same as asking for the moon. Besides, the only extra mouths they needed at their boarding house were the paying kind. But when an interesting pair of strangers comes to town, Lucy starts to believe her Christmas wishes might just come true after all.

The queen of the Christmas novel, Melody Carlson pens another magical tale of expectation and excitement as one little girl dreams big and the impossible becomes possible.


  1. I haven't yet read this author, but I loved Little House on the Prairie. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  2. Both of these sound good. Nice picks...

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  3. I am pretty much obsessed with Little House as well. I think I will have to take a look at these.
    Here is my WOW

  4. Reading Little House was what got me started on the writing bug. I used to create "books" in third grade using paper and staples, lol. I will check out these books when they come out.
