
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Year in Review

2012 has definitely been a year of highs and lows for me. Even though I started this blog in 2011, it wasn't until this year that I realized how much I absolutely *love* blogging. The friendships I've made with fellow bloggers and authors have become so important to me. I'm certain that I will be a book blogger (if not more) for a very long time. I want my blogging career to expand exponentially.

On the low side, this year I've had to face the mortality of another fur child. In August Tara was diagnosed with some very serious illnesses, and to be perfectly honest, I'm surprised she's still with me. I cherish everyday we get to spend together. The interviews she has done with some fantastic fictional felines (LeoHamlet, and Snowflake) and her mini Tara's Thoughts reviews have been my favorite blog posts of the year.

Number of Books Read in 2012: 102

Best of 2012 (while not a definitive list of the wonderful books I've read this year, these are the books that made the biggest impact on me):


Currently Reading Currently Reading

Currently Reading Currently Reading





Favorite Debut/Indie Author of the Year: Cindy Blackburn/Cue Ball Mystery Series


  1. What a fantastic list, Melissa. And of course I like that little postscript about the Cue Ball Mysteries! Betty my cat and I will be thinking about you and Tara as we begin 2013. Here's hoping for another year of great reading and great cozies!

  2. Very cool list and I love seeing Cindy on there!

  3. I'm so happy to see my book among these other great ones! Thanks, Melissa!

  4. Happy New Year! Great list --- added many to the "To be read" pile!
