
Friday, May 17, 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award

Tara and I are so honored to have received The Versatile Blogger Award from All About Max. Make sure you stop by Max's blog and meet one of the cutest little Chihuahuas ever!!!

As part of the Award I am to share seven things about us that people might not know and then pass the award onto five blogs I follow.

Tara has taken over the keyboard and wants to tell you seven things about HER that you might not know:

1) As a middle aged lady I was rescued off the streets of tiny Alburgh, Vermont. I hadn't even been spayed yet! Franklin County Humane Society in St Albans fixed me up, named me Kelly, brought me to the PetsMart Adoption Center in Williston (I travelled a lot back then!) where I met Mommy.

2) I had no "settling in" period at home. Mommy brought my cat carrier into the living room, I walked out, jumped up on the couch, and I WAS HOME!!!

3) Unlike most cats, I like riding in the car. Unfortunately, the car only goes to the vet.

4) I love Cool Whip. Some of my meds come as capsules which Mommy opens up and mixes the power in the Cool Whip.

5) After I'd been living here for only 5 weeks I fell out (was pushed) the bathroom window! I was laying against the screen and IT BROKE!!! I was scared and didn't know my new neighborhood so I just waited in the back bushes for hours until Mommy got up and noticed I was missing. She told me I was soooo smart to not wander off (after she had her heart attack).

6) I've really mellowed when it comes to other cats in my yard. I once caused such a racket at the back door that a visiting neighbor cat ran all the way back home! A girl needs to protect her territory!

7) My favorite toy is a catnip bag with an American flag print...I've torn it apart so much Mommy has had to sew it up a few times!

I nominate:
A Tonk's Tail
Sandpiper Cat
Twinkletoe Tails
Dolly the Doxie
Cat in the Fridge
Cat Chat with Caren and Cody


  1. Hi Melissa (waving) can you see us? We've just read your replies to "The Versatile Blogger|" award. How scary for you to fall out the bathroom window - we wouldn't have like that.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Concatulations on your award. It's great to learn more about you.

    The Paw Relations

  3. Congrats on the award! Wonderful getting to know you!

  4. Aw, I liked getting to know you more! Falling out of the window must have been pretty scary! Wow that is wonderful that you just always felt right at home too! You knew you had some awesome humans eh?:)
