
Friday, December 13, 2013

Breaking News: Truffles Interviewed for Mousebreath Magazine

Graphic courtesy of Jan's Funny Farm & Mousebreath

Hey everybody, Truffles here! I am so very honored to have been interviewed by Jan's Funny Farmer Felines for Mousebreath magazine! For anyone who doesn't know, Mousebreath is a lifestyle magazine by cats, for cats and cat lovers, and is THE most happening place for kitty bloggers to be seen! We just love the title of the interview, Not the Chocolate...Truffles the Tortie. And check out our super cool new sidebar badge where we can post a permanent link to the interview. That way any newcomers to our blog can quickly learn all about ME!

The interview can be found here


  1. Hi sweetie. Nice to meet you. I just came from reading all about your intervoo and loved your story. It was a great intervoo.

  2. Thank you so much for participating. We enjoyed it. Glad you like the title. :)

  3. we reeded yur interviews over at mousebreath !!
    veree nice two meet ewe truffles !!! hope ewe can stop by trout towne sum time; feel free ta
    pull up a reclinerz chair, grab a plate ore 5 oh fish, N chillax for a wee while...we all wayz haz foods
    on de grill, just due knot ask for burd oh kay !!! enjoy yur week oh end :)~~~~

  4. Hi Truffles! We'll go and over and read your interview now ... so exciting!

  5. Awesome interview, Truffles!!!
    You and your mom are such sweeties.
    : )
