
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Truffles Holiday Reading Roundup

I can't even begin to tell you how sad I am that the season for reading wonderful Christmas stories is nearly over. This year I've been tearing through so many that I haven't even had a chance to review each one individually, so I've borrowed a fun idea from my blogging bestie Jessica at Chick Lit Café and decided to bring you a Roundup of my latest Christmas reads. (Plus, Christmas Truffles gets to make a return appearance!) There's still time to make yourself a mug of cocoa, stick a candy cane in it, and indulge in a festive Christmas read with a kitty (or three!) on your lap.

Merry Market Murder

I'm a huge fan of Paige Shelton's Farmers' Market Mysteries, so a chance to visit the market at Christmastime is just icing on the cake. In Merry Market Murder, the famous Ridgeway Christmas Tree Farm is making this the busiest December ever at Bailey's, until a feud erupts when a competing tree farmer shows up claiming that he has exclusive selling rights at the market, and then ends up with a tree stake in his chest! Intriguing ornaments made out of various market vendors' products are left around as clues for Becca to follow, requiring Becca to step into Monson's past in order to catch a modern-day Scrooge.

Santa Claws

Santa Claws by Meg Mims is a perfect little Christmas romance novella. Mary Kate has a stressful job at a local bakery, and at night comes home to her dog Ginger. When her brother is deployed overseas she makes an addition to her little family...his cat Lucifer. Anyone who has ever been owned by a mischievous feline will find themselves alternately smiling and cringing at Lucifer's antics, but things start looking up for Mary Kate when Lucifer puts her in the path of a sexy volunteer fireman!

From Halloween Hijinks to The Trouble with Turkeys to Christmas Crazy, I've been tearing through Kathi Daley's Zoe Donovan series like mad. It's my favorite Indie series of the year. In Christmas Crazy, Zoe finds herself chairperson of Ashton Falls' Hometown Christmas. She plans to use the high school gym for an adoption center for a neighboring town's homeless animals on death row until Santa is murdered just days before the event. With the community center off limits due to the investigation, the animals are at risk of running out of time unless Zoe can catch a killer. I cannot begin to tell you how much I would love to live in the snowy mountain town of Ashton Falls during the Christmas season!

Kiwi's Christmas Tail by Vickie Johnstone is an absolute adorable Christmas story for children of all ages. Amy, James and their magical cat, Kiwi, who can communicate with them, find a star who asks for their help in rescuing his fairy friend from an evil witch who kidnapped her last Christmas. Their adventure takes them to a haunted house, Cat City (I want to move there!!!), and ends up with a trip around the world with Father Christmas on his yearly rounds ending up in his magical realm of Snowfell.

Big Honey Dog Mysteries: Message in a Bauble (Christmas Special Edition)

While helping to decorate for an upcoming Christmas fair, Honey the Great Dane and her doggie pals find a mysterious message hidden inside a broken Christmas bauble. Convinced a child is trapped inside the cottage of the school gardener, the pups team up for a rescue mission. This Christmas special edition of HY Hanna's Big Honey Dog Mysteries was so adorable that I immediately downloaded the first book in the series, Curse of the Scarab, and I can't wait to read it!


  1. The only one I read from this post is Santa Claws. And Truffles looks cute with its Santa hat.

  2. You have some delicious looking reads ahead...enjoy! Thanks for sharing, and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

  3. Truffles is so cute in that picture. I haven't read any of those, but there are a couple that I'm going to get. Thanks for sharing your good reads.
