
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Truffles' Whole Paws Taste Test #WholeFoodsPets

I have written this post on behalf of BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network for Whole Foods Market. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Whole Foods Market's Whole Paws, but Mochas, Mysteries and More only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers.

Earlier this month Truffles and I told you about a gigantic box of pet food that we received from Whole Foods Market's new Whole Paws line. We knew we would be receiving $50 worth of dog and cat food, and we were absolutely stunned by how much pet food that turned out to be! We happily donated the dog food to our local shelter. 

Whole Paws is Whole Foods Market's NEW brand of premium quality products made with real chicken, salmon and other wholesome, nutrient-rich ingredients. Whole Paws contains NO corn or soy, NO animal by-products, NO artificial colors, NO artificial preservatives and NO added sugar, and the new line meets all of Whole Foods Market's strict quality standards. This is the first time a private brand has offered grain free dog and cat food (in both dry and wet varieties), combining grocery store convenience with specialty store quality!

My first impression of the food taking it out of the box is how beautiful the packaging it is. I simply adore the WholePaws® slogan: "Love is a four-legged word"...truer words were never spoken! And the cover models on the boxes and cans are all real pets with their names and ages written right on the labels. Something else I love about the labels...caloric content is listed. I wish that was a requirement for every pet food brand.

So in our original post we left you with a cliffhanger...what did Truffles think of her Whole Paws food? Now I need to tell you straight up that while Truffles is a very good eater, she is also quite particular. When I brought her home four months ago I started her out on a popular commercial brand, which is now pretty much all she will eat. (This is so different from Tara, who was always eager to try new things that I would bring home.) I've been trying to "expand her horizons" a bit and hoped this might do the trick. I opened the beef and chicken pate (since that's a favorite flavor in "her" brand) and:

She ate 2/3 of the can immediately! We haven't tried the shredded salmon and chicken in gravy yet, but the chicken and brown rice kibble has been a HUGE hit. I'm generally not a fan of dry food and only feed it as a supplement to Truffles' main wet food meals, but Whole Paws is grain-free and she absolutely loves it...she even accepts it as a healthy alternative at treat time!

Have you tried any of the Whole Paws varieties yet on your pets? We don't have a Whole Foods Market here in Vermont, so what we received for this review is probably all we'll ever get, but I'm certainly happy that Truffles got a chance to try it out.

WholePaws® is available exclusively at Whole Foods Market locations nationwide.

Check out Whole Paws online:


  1. We've heard a lot of cats are really enjoying this new food!
    We haven't tried it yet...but hope to soon.
    : )

  2. Everyone here has to eat Carmine's prescription food, so we can't try this. However, it sounds really great for pets, and we're really glad that Truffles likes it!

  3. We haven't tried the Whole Paws brand of food yet, but it looks worth doing so.

  4. We even got Maxwell to slurp at it! Looks promising!

  5. I loved Whole Foods when I lived in Austin, TX, but sadly, we don't have them here in WNY.

  6. Woa! She DID like it. Great review. You know, I stuggled whether to call the kibble grain-free since brown rice is a grain. In the end, I deleted the paragraph. Of course you got the # right. You know I didn’t like the old Whole Foods Market 365 cat food either.

  7. Our crew of kitties had varying reactions to the foods, but all ate some of it, and as you said, I think it's nice to have the choice of getting a good quality food at the same time as one shops for human food, hahameow!

  8. Fantastic! That's so great. We have two very picky cats and I considered having them try it, but decided to donate the food instead. Now I'm wondering if our cats would have loved it. But we also don't have a Whole Foods Market so it'll be just one try at our house :(

    Congratulations to Truffles for finding a new food to love.
