
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Review: Wysong Dream Treats

Hey everybody, it's Truffles! I have to tell you, my monthly goodie box from has become a highlight of my month. This month's offerings included treats from Orijen and Pet Naturals of Vermont, two of my favorite brands, but I decided to try something completely new to me: Wysong Dream Rabbit Freeze-Dried Dog & Cat Treats.

These treats are non-thermal, starch-free raw meat treats, loaded with extra vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes, powerful natural nutraceuticals and more. The meat is human grade and available in three tasty formulas: Chicken, Quail, and Rabbit. Dogs, cats, and ferrets can all enjoy these yummies!

They come as meaty discs that need to be broken up for kitties:

I've never had raw meat treats before and I thought they were DELISH! (Mommy was a bit horrified that I enjoyed eating rabbit so much MOL!!!)

Four paws up from this taste tester!

Disclosure:  I received a free product for review as a member of the Blogger Program. All opinions are our own.



  1. Those look nommy! Thanks for the review.

  2. Why would she be horrified that you ate Rabbit? Rabbit is delicious (as you now know). So glad you liked your treats from Wysong!

  3. Thanks for the review! I have never had rabbit (my mom would be horrified too) I think maybe she is wrong!

  4. oh we LURVE raw rabbit (sorry to speedy & co... ;-)
