
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why Is a Cat Blogger Interested in Dog Harnesses?

Did you know that this is National Pet Sitters Week? Growing up I babysat for a child exactly once. I didn't have any problems, I just don't have an affinity for kids. I did, however, start pet sitting as soon as I was old enough, and continue to this day. Never being much of a traveler myself, I'm always around when my neighbors need someone to care for their pets. I'm certainly not a professional, but they know that their pets are safe in my hands.

Lucky for me, my neighbors are a bunch of cat lovers. Then one of them adopted a dog. Everything went fine and we bonded quickly, but it was my first experience caring for a dog and very different from putting a cat's food down, playing for a bit, and calling it a day.

Fast forward 7 years and the one thing I still struggle with is putting his harness on. (As if it's not hard enough, this dog is a Tibetan Terrier, so the various snaps inevitably end up get tangled in dog hair.) Luckily it looks like I'm not the only one, because our friends at Kurgo came up with two wonderful infographics to help out. Now I just need a pup to practice on...




  1. Now if only there were a trick to getting Waffles' harness on!
    ; )

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