
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Caturday Art: Pottery Edition

Last weekend I had the pleasure of pet-sitting for my neighbor's cat Terpsie, who will be celebrating her 18th birthday next month.

Terpsie using the Old Photo effect in

Terpie's Mom and I have a tradition where whenever she travels she picks up something cat-related for me. This trip to Syracuse, she got me this adorable pottery mug from Always Azul Pottery.

I love it SO much! Do you have lots of kitty kitsch around your house too?

We're participating in Athena Cat Goddess' Caturday Art Blog Hop. Check out more artsy kitties here.


  1. I LOVE the old timey effect on the photo! What an adorable mug!

  2. Gawjus foto. And yes mommy has lots of kitty stuff, but not a mug like dat. MOL

    Luv ya'


  3. Terpie is a sweetheart! "kitty kitsch" OMG loaded with it! Love your new mug too!

  4. Love the photo! And the mug is lovely!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  5. Terpsie is beautiful. Love the photo effect! And the mug!

  6. That old timey photo looks authentic like the ones TW has of Gramps. We use cat dish towels and have lots of other cat kitsch. Pop drinks out of a Glogirly mug that I’m on! Will you ever use the mug or just keep it for display?

  7. This is really nice, you are invited to share this with Feline Art Friday:

  8. Terpsie does not look to be 18 years old. She is certainly a beautiful, floofy kitty. The mug is unique and so cute. Our house is filled with way to much kitty "stuff" in our opinion. Who needs it when you have the real thing? Mom is absolutely in love with that photo effect. Thanks for sharing it and telling us what program you used to create it. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Cslista Jo

  9. Terpsie is very lovely and precious. That was a good vintage look you gave to her photo.Oh my do we ever have kitty kitsch! Everywhere!!!

  10. What a sweetie she is and love the old photo effect, very cool. Your mug is so fun, that is great! We love collecting kitty things for our house too.

  11. The antique photo effect on Terpsie looks really cool and the mug really cool looking :)

  12. Your cat is so beautiful ! He has as much fur as mine ;)

  13. Terpsie is precious! What a nice friendship you have too.
    As always, thanks for sharing! Love your blog!
