
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

National Pet Fire Safety Day #BtC4A

When I think about the things I fear most, a house fire is right at the top of the list. More horrifying than the idea of losing possessions, though, is the thought of Truffles not being safe if the worst were to ever happen. Does anybody else cringe when they watch the report of a house fire on the local news and hear that no one was injured, but pets were lost? It's as though their precious lives didn't matter as much.

I recently signed up to receive a pet rescue window decal from the ASPCA to alert rescue personnel that pets are inside my home. You can get yours for free here, along with an ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center magnet. I also hope you'll take some time to review the infographic below. It contains some wonderful, useful information on how to be prepared, yet also how to help prevent house fires in the first place. It's impossible to be 100% safe, but anything that can bring me a little peace of mind, especially with regards to Truffles' safety, is worth it's weight in gold in my eyes.

Blog the Change


  1. Fire is very scary. I always worry about the barn....

  2. This is one of the mom's biggest fears...that there will be a house fire. Thanks for sharing this info.

  3. Great post, I worry more about this happening when I'm not home. :-( I've been known to unplug the microwave just to be on the safe.

    I do have decals. One on the front door and one on our bedroom window, getting them out would be the most important thing to me. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. this is the one thing that mom fears most - and decal or no, she knows getting everyone out would be almost impossible since some of us can't be caught

  5. Such a scary thought! So glad we have sprinklers. we unplug everything we can before we leave.

  6. Good advice - we have a couple of those window decals.

  7. Dakota blogged about fire safety last Oct (I think!) glad to see more kitties getting involved because it's usually just the woofies who talk about fire safety! xoxo

  8. We got a sign in our window that we live there
    Lily & Edward

  9. It is something I fear too. Because it would be next to impossible to get everyone. Very good post. Am sure you noticed but to get the "free" decal from ASPCA you have to make a free donation. :)

  10. a grate post two day truffles; de food serviss gurls dad bee a fire fighter bak in hiz yooth N theese tipz canna bee expressed enuff.....thanx all sew for de linx two de decal & magnet ♥

  11. Great post! Fire is scary and is something I fear too. With 5 cats, the thought of a house fire and having the ability to safely remove everyone is a thought I don't like to dwell on. Adding a sticker to the window is a great idea! I'm going to do that for sure!

  12. Excellent post. Thanks providing the link to obtain a sticker. I'm going to do exactly that. One of our Twitter pals had a fire in their apartment about 2 years ago. Fortunately, they got out and got their pets out, but one kitty did parish in the fire. I'm with you - have nightmares over possible fires.

  13. Mario is talking about our good friend, Amy. We lived through that entire ordeal with her, just s few miles away.
    And this is why we chose this topic, today, too!
