
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Smorgasbord #2

Since Sunday features a multitude of blog hops, instead of doing a single post for each one, Truffles and I have decided to merge them all into a Sunday Smorgasbord. Each week we will start with whichever hop Truffles is participating in (Sunday Selfies, Easy Sunday, B&W Sunday) followed by my customary weekly blog recap and what showed up in our mailbox this week.

Hey everybody, Truffles at the keyboard! Today I'm taking a "sleepy selfie" (for the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop hosted by The Cat on My Head) as I pose with a bookmark that we received this week for Ali Brandon's upcoming Black Cat Bookshop Mystery, Literally Murder. Look at the bookmark you notice anything? A quote from our blog is on it!!! Mommy gasped with excitement when she pulled it out of the envelope. She had no idea it was going to be on there and will treasure it forever.

By the way...did I mention that I'm going to be spending this easy Sunday ALONE while Mommy is off galavanting at the movies with my grandma? They're going to see the 75th anniversary screening of Gone with the Wind, so they are going to be gone for HOURS. They said it's a once in a lifetime event. Mommy is even giving up her NASCAR race, so it must be a pretty big deal!

I'll just nap until they come home...

Last week on Mochas, Mysteries and Meows:
* The Corpse Who Walked in the Door by Jackie King: Guest Author & Giveaway
* 3 Little Extras That Make Truffles Purr #GetHealthyHappy
* DIY Projects for Shelter Animals #PetBloggerMonth
* #LIGHTFORPETS Remember Me Thursday & Less-Adoptable Pet Week
* Solving the Mystery of Cat Agility by Sheila Webster Boneham (w/Catwalk Review & Giveaway)
Caturday Art: Coffee Truffles

These Haunts Are Made For Walking Nothing Bundt Murder: A Culinary Cozy Mystery (A Rosie Kale Culinary Cozy, # 1) Writing the Cozy Mystery
Our Favorite Recipes for 1 or 2

For Review Consideration:
Celebrity Cat Caper Scorched Eggs



  1. Mom's read three of Ali Brandon's Black Cat Bookshop Mystery books and she's looking forward to the next one. It's neat that you got a bookmark with your quote on it. Maybe you can be sleepy with your mom when she reads the book.

  2. Oh that's very cool that your quote is on the bookmark! What a sweet sleepy selfie of you, Truffles! We hope your Mom really enjoys her day and the special screening.

  3. That's really cool! And a great selfie too. I'm sure you'll enjoy a nice long nap while your Mom is gone. Have a great Sunday!

  4. Great selfie!
    Looks like there's some interesting books. Hope your Mom enjoys them, and that you all have a great week.

  5. Nice bookmark. Enjoy the nap time and having the place to yourself. :)

    Hope your mom enjoy Gone with the Wind. that would be nice on the big screen, I would think.

  6. Sweet dreams, Truffles. We know you'll be a good girl, while Mommy's away. Just wait 'til she tells you all about Gone With the's epic! :)

  7. That's so great! Enjoy your Sunday on your own Truffles! I can't imagine seeing Gone with the Wind on the big screen. Definitely once in a lifetime!

  8. We love your selfie Truffles! Very exciting about the bookmark! We can come keep you company if you like!
    Marty and Ralphie

  9. Most excellent selfie and that is so cool that your quote is on the bookmark!
    Loves your books this week!

  10. You've got the right idea Truffles:) I hope mommy enjoys the movie. It's a wonderful classic. Nice haul of books. I see some cozies I'd enjoy:)
    Here is my Sunday Post -

  11. Great about your quote and excellent selfie! Take it easy on your own today sweetie :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  12. Great smorgasbord, Melissa & Truffles! ... uh... but isn't a smorgasbord supposed to include food???

  13. So it's an EASY Sunday Selfie! We totally unnerstand the ABANDONMENT. We have a few abandonment issues of our OWN over here - HRMPF.

  14. Great movie choice! Sorry Truffles, but a classic is a classic!

  15. Gone With the Wind is one of my two favorite books. I have the discs of the movie. I think Scarlett gets a bad rap

  16. Wow 75 years for GWTW. It's one of Moms favorite movies and books. Great selfie Truffles.

  17. Yous look gawjus.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  18. Nice haul and I love your cat! Can I have him? :)

    Here's mine!
    My Week in a Wrapped #1

  19. I don’t believe that’s a selfie, Truffles, but it’s a great easy! MOL! You’re good if you can take a photo while you’re sleeping. Sometimes, though, it looks like TW takes MY photos while she’s sleeping.

  20. How did you take a selfie while sleeping? :) But a smorgasbord is a great idea and you did well.

  21. I love the adorable selfie! I have not read those books, but might now!

  22. That's a cute selfie, Truffles! You look super cute :)

  23. So sorry we didn't get here sooner to say thanks for joining and supporting our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. The humans were away for the weekend. Mom tried to comment from the car on the iPad, but lost the signal. We think sleeping selfies suit a cat's inherent idea of how to do just about everything. Your mom will have a terrific memento with that bookmark. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
