
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Truffles' 1st Cutest Pet Contest

Hey everybody, it's Truffles!

Did you know that Mommy entered me in my very first Cutest Pet Contest? It's being held at her chiropractor's office and the money raised is going to our local Humane Society. (People vote by putting their spare change in the jar with their favorite pet's corresponding number.)

Here I am (#6) with my fellow feline competitors. There are also several dogs, as well as a raccoon and a calf entered!

The contest runs until September 12th. I don't have any idea how I'm doing because the money jars are lined with red tissue paper to keep the vote a big secret! I'll keep you posted though :)


  1. What a great idea, Truffles! If we lived by you, we would TOTALLY be voting for you, cutie pie!

  2. I would definitely vote for you Truffles if I could. You are the cutest pet on the wall

  3. This is a brilliant idea, and its all sekiryt LOL! Good luck and I hope you win!!

  4. That is a great idea! I hope Truffles wins. We all know you're the cutest! ♥

  5. Good luck Truffles - you'll always be cutest in our books!

  6. Good luck, Truffles! What a fabulous way to raise money for a great cause, and no matter what, you are already a champion cutie! :)

  7. Good luck, Truffles! You sure are cute!

  8. Hi Y'all!

    I just don't see how anyone who knows you could pick another!

    Best of luck!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka brownDog

  9. Good luck! That is a great way to raise money for a shelter.

  10. We'll be purring up a storm and hoping your jar gets filled to the brim. What an unusual thing for the chiropractor's office to do, but very thoughtful. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. Good luck Truffles - we hope you win!

  12. That is the CUTEST idea! LOVE the idea of voting by putting in spare change. That is brilliant! Good luck Truffles!!!! Hoping you win too!

  13. What a great idea! Good luck! I hope you win!

  14. Aaaw Truffles yous awe da winnew in meez book. Cuz me finks yous awe da Cutest kitty wound. :)

    Luv ya'


  15. Have you picked up the jars to see which ones are heaviest with coins? Heh heh. Time to stuff the old “ballot boxes."

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. you are Darn Cute! (way cuter than a racoon! and racoons are cute)
    good for you both, for helping to support local animals!

  18. We're rooting for you to win, Truffles!!!

  19. Fun picture of you being so cute! Paws and fingers crossed for you!
    Marty and Mom

  20. That is PAWESOME! We wish we could vote for you, Truffles. Hope you win!!!
