
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Caturday Art

Hey everybody, it's Truffles! I've had to spend some time administering a bit of purr therapy to Mommy this week. She read our friend Deb Barnes (of Zee & Zoey) new book, Purr Prints of the Heart: A Cat's Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond, and it brought back so many memories of Angel Tara. Mr. Jazz, the voice behind the book, and Tara both went to the Rainbow Bridge the same summer, only 7 weeks apart. They were both sick for a long time and while reading about Mr. Jazz's final days, Mommy felt like she was reliving her last days with Tara.

Needless to say, many tears have been shed. If you've ever loved and lost a beloved pet, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

Because of the emotions the book stirred up, Mommy was inspired to make Tara the subject of our Caturday Art this week. Tara left her purr and paw prints all over Mommy's heart, but thankfully it's big enough that there's plenty of room in there for me too!


  1. So excited! You're first. My review copy is late but I read an early version and like you felt weepy. It's a touching story everyone who has loved and lost a cat can relate to.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful picture. Heartwarming!

  3. Beautiful art and the book sounds like a nice tribute to a beloved kitty.

  4. So beautiful! Well done for taking care of your Mom.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  5. So beautiful... memories may bring back a flood of tears and emotion, but they also bring back memories of joy. We're also really looking forward to reading Mr. Jazz's story. xo

  6. Such great art and Deb’s book cover is gorgeous. She told me she designed it herself. TW better not read it after how she cried posting about Nicky.

  7. What a beautiful tribute quote and picture of your beloved Tara. I know Purr Prints is hard in many respects for those of us that have loved and lost a beloved pet to read, but the story is also full of so much wisdom, insight, joy, and even humor. Thank you for sharing this touching review of my book - it is the first one I have read and your honest reaction means the world to me. I am also reassured knowing that Mr. Jazz has Tara to hang out with at the Rainbow Bridge and may the memory of both of them forevermore be in our hearts... xoxoxo

  8. What a beautiful memorial for Tara. You gave a great review for Deb's book. I would really like to get a copy and read it when I feel stronger. Thanks for sharing your opinions.

  9. Beautiful! The book sounds like it must have been very touching.

  10. Oh such a lovely LOVELY photo, and a beautiful way to remember Tara, too!

  11. Love this Caturday art photo of Tara, so special!

  12. We adored Deb's book and I was so honored to be able to provide a cover quote. Will be reviewing it later on. Love your artwork!

  13. That is a beautiful piece of art work and full of special meaning. I'm loving Deb's book too.

  14. Our Angels are so important and live on deep in our hearts. Beautiful tribute to Tara. Dad will want to read this book. Thanks so much
