
Friday, May 8, 2015

Book Review & Giveaway: One Foot in the Grape by Carlene O'Neil

From the publisher: In California wine country, the town of Cypress Cove may seem peaceful. But someone’s about to pop their cork…

After losing her job as a photojournalist, Penny Lively is trying to get her life back in focus. Inheriting the family winery from her late aunt may be the fresh start she needs. Thankfully she’s got her niece Hayley and her handsome winery manager Connor to help. But the person in need of more urgent assistance is Antonia Martinelli, the owner of the neighboring winery, who has her own barrel full of problems. Someone’s spoiling her wine, and with the upcoming Autumn Festival, she needs Penny’s nose for clues to sniff out the culprit.

But Penny’s search for answers sours after the body of a staff member is found in a grape crusher. Since Hayley was the last to see him alive, she’s the prime suspect in the case. Now Penny must hurry to find the real killer before Hayley withers on the vine…

I've always been drawn to books that take place in wineries because I love wine. Unfortunately, wine does not love me. Even half of a glass diluted with seltzer water puts me right to sleep. So as with so many other things in life, I live vicariously through books. 

One Foot in the Grape begins when Antonia Martinelli, owner of the famed Martinelli Winery, asks her neighbor and distant cousin Penny Lively, new owner of her late aunt's Joyeux Winery, for help. Antonia suspects that someone is sabotaging her wine. Penny is busy preparing for the first Autumn Festival, but with a background in investigative photojournalism, she can't resist the challenge. Little does she know she's about to be mixed up in the murders of two Martinelli employees, and a group of suspects that takes family dysfunction to a whole new level. 

The murder method in this book is one of the most unique ever - a grape crusher - and the killer remained a mystery to the very end. The breathtaking setting and stellar cast of characters - from protagonists Penny and Antonia to their various employees and family members to Penny's pets, gray tabby Petite Syrah and malamute Nanook - made this a sparkling debut.

Giveaway: Leave a comment by noon eastern on Friday, May 15th for your chance to win a copy of One Foot in the Grape. (US entries only please, and don't forget your email address!)


  1. One Foot in the Grape sounds like a delightful mystery, and I have it on my TBR list. The cover is adorable! Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. A new author for me and the book sounds terrific! Grape-crusher - brings back memories of the movie Fargo.....


  3. love the title, thanks for the chance to win :)
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com

  4. Sounds great, I LOVE the cover. I grew up in Northern California near Napa Valley. I would LOVE to win.

  5. Oh! Oh! Oh That sounds like a most excellent book! Mes can see Mommy reading it at one of the wine festivals when she is selling jelly this summer!

  6. I've never been to a vineyard, but with your comment about the murder weapon, will take care if I ever do! Looks like a great new series, thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Looks great cozy mystery.


  8. A grape crusher?! How dare they mess up the wine making!
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  9. A new series, how exciting. One involving wine making even better.

  10. I would love this - sarah_parks at harvard dot edu

  11. "One Foot In The Wine" is a cozy I would like to read. I luv cozies that talk about wine. I like to read about Napa Valley and other places.

  12. Sounds fun. I'd have to sip a good wine and get a bit tipsy while reading this. I love a fine wine and look for any excuse to pour a glass. Just kidding, but I would have a glass of Sangria and sip it while reading this by the pool.

  13. Was so excited about the giveaway, I forgot my email -

  14. This sounds so good, thanks for the chance to win.
    momzillasteel at gmail dot com

  15. Thanks, Melissa. I like the cover and think this w/b a good read. patucker54 (at aol dot com)

  16. Sounds like a fun read—thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  17. Oooo, that book sounds very interesting! Our mommy never used to like wine but now she has a really good friend who has a winery and of course she loves her wine! Since we're super new to wine stuffs, we'd enjoy that book!

    beadedtail at yahoo dot com

  18. This looks good and I love the picture on the cover. If I ever get to meet you, I will give you some of the wine my hubby makes- he makes grape, strawberry, pumpkin, ground cherry, pear and apple cider wine.

  19. Looks like a fun new series.

    gibsonbk at hiwaay dot net

  20. A new mystery with wine...I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for the chance to win

  21. Sounds like a great read.


  22. I've never read a book by this author. I would love to start with this one. It sounds good!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  23. New author to me and sounds like a fun book.

    kaye dot killgore at comcast dot net

  24. An intriguing book. Thanks for this giveaway. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  25. What a captivating and interesting book. Many thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  26. We celebrated our anniversary this year with a winery tour. Bobbipad at gmail dot com

  27. It sounds like a wonderful book, and I love the title. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  28. Wow - sounds fantastic! pp92596 at outlook dot com

  29. This sounds like a great beginning to an interesting new series, one I'm looking forward to reading. Thanks for the chance to win.
