
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Snuggly #SundaySelfies

Over the past couple months I've fallen behind in participating in The Lazy Pit Bull's 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge. Week 30's theme is "Snuggly" and I'm hopping back in.

Truffles *loved* snuggling, not only in her various cat beds, but with me in our big girl bed. She would never sleep beside me; she had to be either on my chest or snuggled between my legs.

Having my little snuggle bunny in bed with me is one of the many things I miss so very much.

I'm also participating in the Sunday Selfies blog hop hosted by The Cat on My Head.

If you missed yesterday's post there's still time to enter to win an adorable cat necklace.


  1. Melissa, these are such adorable photos. I can imagine how cold and lonely it feels not to have Truffles to snuggle with you. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks so much for continuing to enter the blog hop. Hugs, Janet

  2. Aww, such adorable pictures. Thank you for sharing them.

  3. My heart goes out to you. You're in my thoughts.

  4. Truffles was a good snuggler. Purrs....

  5. Beautiful photos of Truffles, she was very snuggly.

  6. She looks so sweet and snuggly. We can imagine just how much you must miss that every single day.

    Jan & the crew at Wag n Woof Pets

  7. HUGS, Auntie Melissa! These photos of Truffles are very beautiful.

  8. That is so sweet, Melissa. Truffles surely was a snuggler extraordinaire. Hugs and purrs to you.

  9. Aw, those photos are so sweet. Truffles is missed!

  10. So sweet, Melissa. I hope you find comfort in knowing Truffles is still with you (just not physically).

  11. What beautiful photos of Truffles!
    Happy #sundayselfies
    Annabelle,Boo,Ping & Mr Jinx

  12. Lovely photos ands memories Melissa. We know how difficult it still is for you and you remain in our thoughts. Angel Truffles is looking over you and surrounds you in her love.

    the critters in the cottage xo

  13. The warmth and love of a purring cat in your bed is a wonderful feeling!
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. That's so sweet ! Purrs and hugs to you, Melissa

  15. How purrecious. Weez do da same fing. Mommy sez she unnewstands what yous be goin' fwu. She can't sleep ifin we not be there. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  16. Ah beautiful Truffles all shiny furred and sweetness. She's watching over you today on Selfie Sunday.

  17. Aww, Truffles, you look so sweet in these photos. We all miss you.

  18. Such sweet and snuggly photos :) We know Truffles is still with you though... sending lots of love and hugs!

  19. Oh deer LadyMum bursted into teerss lookin at Truffless fotoss.....Auntyss'Nylablue an Mingflower used to sleep like thiss with her....mee beein a kittyboy sleeps on thee big bed butt NOT on LadyMum....
    As fur Truffless shee sure was a beeutee Lady Melissa...
    Fanks fur sharin yur memoreess with all of us.
    **paw kissess** an ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~ xxxxxxx

  20. It is so nice to see your sting again. What a sweetie she was. I am so hoody that you have so many precious Memories that you can share with us. Hugs!

  21. What a precious baby. It still seems horribly unfair…Tears are flowing… Yet I know that both Tara and Truffle's sweet spirits will bring another kitty into your life someday soon. They will always be with you.

  22. We love that top pic! TW used to call Nicky her snuggle bunny and her cuddle bunny. He was everything I’m not but he wasn’t famous like me.

  23. What sweet snuggly photos of Truffles, thinking of you...

  24. Melissa I really miss this little girl and her posts. I sat and cried when I read the post. I work with a rescue group and I am sure you will find a new baby, not to take Truffles place but to make their own place. I love the pics of your baby and will always remember her with love. She gave me many hours of pleasure.

  25. Melissa I really miss this little girl and her posts. I sat and cried when I read the post. I work with a rescue group and I am sure you will find a new baby, not to take Truffles place but to make their own place. I love the pics of your baby and will always remember her with love. She gave me many hours of pleasure.

  26. We bet she still snuggles in your dreams.

  27. Love a sweet selfie!!!! This is lovely!!!
