
Friday, August 21, 2015

$25,000 Up for Grabs in Tractor Supply Animal Rescue Contest‏

Raise your hand—or paw—if your favorite animal rescue needs some help. Rural lifestyle retailer Tractor Supply Co. is looking to “rescue” 10 deserving animal shelters, including a $10,000 grand prize.

As part of Tractor Supply’s annual Pet Appreciation Week, held Sept. 16-20 this year, Tractor Supply is awarding a total of $25,000 in grants to qualifying animal non-profits through its “Rescue Your Rescue” social media contest.

To get started, Tractor Supply is asking customers to nominate their favorite shelter by submitting a photo and brief statement of why the shelter is deserving. Nominations are open from Friday, Aug. 21 through Sunday, Aug. 30, and all details on how to enter will be found at

Tractor Supply will narrow down the nominations to 10 finalists, and the public will vote from Saturday, Sept. 5 through Sunday, Sept. 13 at to determine the final standings. The Rescue Your Rescue grand prize is a $10,000 grant. Second place is $5,000; third place: $3,500; fourth place: $2,000; fifth place: $1,500; sixth place: $1,000; seventh place: $800; eight place: $650; ninth place: $350; and tenth place: $200.

“This is the third year Tractor Supply has hosted the Rescue Your Rescue contest for Pet Appreciation Week, and the stories of hard work and compassion never cease to amaze us,” said Kevin Bryant, director of national marketing at Tractor Supply. “This contest is a great way for us to give back to the animal rescues that give their time, energy and often, own money, day in and day out, to save animals in need and find them forever homes.”

Last year, Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue of Shoals, W.V. won the $10,000 grand prize. Tinia Creamer, president of the winning rescue, said the contest afforded her organization the ability to upgrade transportation for horses in need. Remaining funds saved an emaciated Tennessee Walking Horse, which was rehabilitated, renamed Schmidty, after Tractor Supply’s founder C.E. Schmidt, and adopted into a loving home.

“We were able to put the money to good use right away,” said Creamer. “It’s still so amazing to me that we won.”

Tractor Supply’s Pet Appreciation Week, or PAW, is an event to celebrate pets and introduce families to the joy of owning animals. As part of the main event on Saturday, Sept. 19, every Tractor Supply store will feature pet adoptions, demonstrations on pet nutrition, discounts on pet food and supplies, free giveaways, and valuable in-store prize drawings.

All Pet Appreciation Week events are open to the public—and leashed, friendly pets—and will take place at local Tractor Supply stores. Find a local store and more information on Pet Appreciation Week and caring for pets at


  1. Hats off to Tractor Supply for their fantastic work with animal rescues. That is wonderful news.

  2. Whoa! I wonder if Aunt Karen knows about this! Thanks for the info.

  3. WOW! What an amazing event! Kudos to Tractor Supply for sponsoring this! This will really make a difference for some very deceiving shelters and animals.

  4. that is a wonderful thing, but I have given up participating in the 'you win by popular vote' things... I wish they would have either done random or internally judged
