
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Caturday Art

Meows from Mudpie!

For my Caturday Art project this week we're using PhotoFaceFun for the very first time, but there are so many cool things on there that I just know we'll be using it often!

This weekend is the unofficial end of summer...YAY!!! Mommy and I can't wait for the arrival of chilly nights when we can cuddle in blankies together!

Do you have any special plans for the long holiday weekend? We're just chilling out at home with the AC...temps are still near 90 here.

Check out more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop.


  1. We LOVE fall and chilly nights! The summer has been brutally hot, so we're ready!
    Glogirly & Gloman both have to work this weekend. I guess they're taking this whole labor day stuff seriously. ; )

    LOVE your Caturday art!
    ~Katie & Waffles

  2. It are da male human's birthday on Sunday, so we is gonna be celebratin!

  3. Love it! I will have to try out the PhotoFaceFun. Thank you fro sharing. :-)

  4. I like your art, Mudpie. May I also add it's nice to meet you? We haven't visited since Angel Truffles left for the rainbow bridge. I am Xanthe xxx

  5. that would have been great for the Sunday Selfies too!
    I have TONS of work to do this weekend and yep it is going to be in the 90s here too.
    Keep cool!

  6. Those came out great :) It got down to 50 here last night- it was wonderful :)

  7. Mudpie you look fabulous!
    Happy Caturday!!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  8. We love to cuddle up together on chilly nights too!

    That's such a beautiful pic :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. That is so cool! It's hot here, too. We're gonna keep Mommy company while she cleans and catches up on friends' blogs.

  10. That is so cool! It's hot here, too. We're gonna keep Mommy company while she cleans and catches up on friends' blogs.

  11. That is so cool! It's hot here, too. We're gonna keep Mommy company while she cleans and catches up on friends' blogs.

  12. That's the umpteenth time I've seen PhotoFaceFun mentioned! That's a very cool effect! Will have to try it out!! xx

  13. Beautiful!
    We are going to enjoy lots of mom time :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  14. PhotoFaceFun sound like something I just want to try
    We are boiling hot here in Baltimore...I just want fall weather
    Going to a big BBQ tomorrow should be fun
    Happy Caturday

  15. that is a wonderfully cool and cute picture of yous!

  16. OMC Dat PurrPack was pawsum. But not nearly as pawsum as you. Yous lookin' gawjus.

    Have a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  17. Wow, that's awesome, Mudpie! Very sketch-like! :)

    We like the fall, too. The winter? Not so much...

  18. Very cool! We'll be checking that site out too.

  19. TW gets very depressed in the Fall cos she hates cold weather, snow and heavy clothes. It also means the end of the baseball season. When she had season tix, she felt it even more cos there was no where to go anymore.
