
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Project Hope

Mudpie was adopted from a different shelter, but Franklin County Animal Rescue, Tara and Truffles' alma mater, will always hold an extra special place in my heart.

Today we want to tell you about a new program they have instituted to help their adoptable animals who have been waiting far too long for their forever homes, Project Hope.

From FCAR's website: Sometimes there is just no explaining why one cat will come into the shelter and get adopted within days, while others get passed by for months or even longer. Every cat deserves a second chance, a place to call home and someone to love them. We've cleared the way for many of these kitties with a No Fee Adoption program called Project Hope. (regular application process applies). Even if adopting isn't a possibility, donations are greatly appreciated to help offset the cost of caring for these beautiful cats, patiently waiting for their forever homes.

Several Project Hope cats have already found their forever homes over the past couple weeks, including the lovely Spice, who we featured here a couple times.

Donations can be made to Project Hope on FCAR's homepage

We sure would appreciate your sharing this post as well! 

The kitties thank you too :)


  1. We purray for all the kitties to find a furrever home soon. They all deserve a warm heart...and place :) Pawkisses for Good Luck :) <3

  2. We hope all those lovely cats will find their forever homes from Project Hope - it looks to be a wonderful place.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. What a great project! We purr that it is very successful and lots of kitties find their furever homes finally.

  4. Prayers and hugs for every one of these sweet, deserving cats. I hope each of them finds the perfect home.

  5. I hope they all find loving, forever homes.

  6. we never understand that either....our calico rescue girl Mae and our momma cat Margarita seemed to take forever to get adopted....but maybe it makes it that much sweeter when it does happen. :)

  7. It's great that they have this program in place. At my shelter, we have a "name your price" on senior cats all the time as they are more difficult to get adopted. Sadly, some of our kitties have been around for years, and I simply do not understand why. I hope a lot of cats find their forever homes through this program.

  8. Wish we could bring everyone home
    Lily & Edward

  9. mudpie....we hope project HOPE izza huge success ♥♥♥ ~~~~~

  10. What a great idea for the shelter to feature those cats! We hope it helps the "less adoptable cats" find forever homes much more quickly!

  11. We hope all the kitties find furever homes! Spice is very lovely indeed!

  12. I hope they all get their forever homes.

  13. What a great idea. I hope that find their homes.
    --Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  14. What a great program! Spice is gorgeous.

  15. I always feel so sad for kitties who have to wait a long time. Hope this new project helps.
