
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Remembering Joyce Lavene

Meows from Mudpie!

My Sunday Selfie this week is dedicated to the memory of a very special friend, author Joyce Lavene.

You may remember that over the summer Mommy entered a contest by Joyce and her husband Jim to name the pet characters in their upcoming book A Dickens of a Murder. Not only was Truffles chosen as the tortie in the book, her character is on the cover, and we've been told that she's very special to the story as well.

Joyce even said to us, "How could I name any tortie without thinking of Truffles?"

Tragically, Joyce passed away suddenly on Tuesday and left the cozy mystery community heartbroken and in shock.

Yesterday we received our review copy of A Dickens of a Murder:

This is the Acknowledgement page:

We love you, Joyce...we miss you...and we will never, ever forget you.


  1. Please accept our condolences on the loss of your friend and our congratulations on having Angel Truffles honored in Joyce's book. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. I'm shocked to hear Joyce passed away - what a sad loss to the mystery community.

  3. That is very sad that she passed away. I love mysteries, so I will have to look into this book. Sending lots of purrs and hugs.

  4. So sweet post. So sorry. Life is so unexpected and tragic, we must savor every moment. Please accept our condolences for the loss of your friend, she looks so sweet in the photo.

  5. what a horrible, horrible, devastating loss. I am so deeply sorry (((hugs)))) catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. We are so sorry to hear this news. Purrs to Joyce's family and all those missing her so much.

  7. Beautiful, Melissa.

  8. We are so sorry for such sad news. That is such a wonderful tribute to Truffles.

  9. OMG I loved her books so sad I'm so sorry zen hugs and purrs

  10. We were so sorry to hear about Joyce's passing, and are sending purrs and prayers to her family.

  11. Oh no not another purrson goin to Pure Land thiss week! So many people an 4 has been berry sad! :(
    Wee are sorry Lady Melissa for tee los of lady Joyce...pleeze know wee iss purrayin fur you an Mudpie...
    Who iss looki gorgeeuss inn her foto mee mite add.
    ~~head rubss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~ an ((hugs)) LadyMum

  12. We are ha[[y Truffles name was chosen to be in the book.
    We are very sad, however to learn of the sudden passing of Joyce.
    We pass along our condolences to you and her family.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  13. Sorry to hear of Joyce's passing. Our thoughts are with her friends and family.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  14. Very sorry to hear about your friend, Mudpie. RIP Joyce
    Beautiful Sunday #selfies!!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  15. How sad, Melissa :( We are so sorry about the passing of your furriend Joyce. Soft Pawkisses for comfort <3

  16. Oh, I am so sorry about Joyce. What a lovely thing she did naming the tortie in her book after your Truffles. That must be even more special to you now. I'm off next to Good Reads to check out this book. I LOVE cozy mysteries, especially ones with kitties, and I haven't heard of this series.

    Mudpie, you look adorable!

  17. So sorry for the sad news about Joyce.

  18. That is so very sad! We are so sorry and send our heartfelt condolences to Joyce's family xxx

  19. We are very sorry to hear about your friend.

    Noodle and crew

  20. We are so sorry about Joyce.

    We want to thank you for your kind words about our Dorf crossing over. He was so loved here at Forty Paws, and we miss him daily.

    Hugs from all of us at Forty Paws and Maw

  21. It's been a rough week indeed. RIP Joyce. You have been, are and always will be an angel.

  22. So sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Purrs and Prayers to her family.
    Marty and Mom

  23. Oh... such a bittersweet post. Prayers to those that love Joyce - what a special person and how wonderful that Truffles lives on through her book. Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  24. how unbelievably bittersweet.. My sympathies on the loss of your friend.

  25. Oh, dear, this is so, so sad. My deepest condolences to Joyce's family….
    But I am gladdened that you have the book-- a beautiful and lasting tribute to both Joyce and Truffles. No doubt Truffles is sitting on Joyce's lap right now, purring her approval.
