
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chewy Review & Giveaway: KONG Triangle Play Mat

Meows from Mudpie!

One morning a couple weeks ago I was busy hitting refresh on my email over and over again, waiting for my monthly Blogger Outreach newsletter. When it finally arrived, the selections were pawsome! I immediately saw my #1 favorite treat on the list (which I'll tell you about soon), but then my peepers were drawn to something called a KONG Triangle Play Mat. It was SO cool, I knew I just *had* to have it, but the email said it would only be available to the first 15 requests!

Now by not having opposable thumbs, I can't type all that quickly, so I got Mommy's attention and asked her to reply as fast as she could! She dropped everything she was doing (as she's likely to do when I need something), pounded out a quick email, and scored one for me!

Check it out!!!

The KONG Triangle Play Mat for Cats promotes healthy exercise and fulfills your cat’s natural desire to chase, hunt and capture. This mat creates an inviting and versatile play space for indoor cats. The textured interior encourages scratching and the soft plush floor is ideal for snuggling. The added catnip mouse entices play and encourages batting and swiping, and the space saving design folds up for easy storage and travel.

Key Benefits
  • Versatile play mat and tunnel combination
  • Promotes healthy exercise
  • Dangling catnip mouse and varied textures fulfill natural instincts
  • Folds up for easy storage and travel

When we pulled the play mat out of the box, the first thing we noticed was the amazing is that purple animal print??? The color is incredibly vibrant and the base of the mat is super soft and velvety to the touch.

The next thing we noticed was the size. It's very portable (which is great because it can easily be picked up and stored when not in use), but it's also *very* small. Would you believe the first thing Mommy said was that I was never going to fit into it??? How rude!!! Apparently I've gained a little weight since moving into my forever home.

Well I proved her wrong! Not only do I fit (ok, I might hang out a little) but I play with it so much that Mommy hasn't even been able to pick it up since it arrived!

Here are a few action shots (and a short video) of the hide and seek games that I play in my triangle!

The KONG Triangle Play Mat is definitely my current favorite toy, and I was so excited when Chewy said that I could offer one as a giveaway to one of our readers in the US! If you live outside the US you can still enter and have your prize sent to a friend in the US, or better still, how much fun would shelter kitties have with this??? Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter, and good luck!

If you don't win and would like to buy one for Christmas, the KONG Triangle Play Mat is currently on sale for $10.92 at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We received one free play mat in exchange for our fair and honest review as part of the Blogger Outreach Program. All opinions are our own.


  1. Shhh! Don't tell him, but this looks like such a great Christmas present for my kitty boy. I hope we win.

  2. This looks like a really fun toy. I was also thinking it looked small though. I don't think Callie would be able to fit in that thing. However, it looks like something my rats would enjoy sleeping in.

  3. That looks like something Mum would like to get for us.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. My cats would love to see one of these under the Christmas tree. It looks like a lot of fun.

  5. That looks like a fun mat, Mudpie, but there's no way Wally would ever fit in there. MOL! ~Ernie

  6. I'm a last-minute Christmas shopper, but I know my wonderful kitty-boy would LOVE this play mat—thanks for the opportunity to win one!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  7. Looks like fun, Mudpie and it absolutely does not make your butt look big!!!

  8. Good job on the demo Mudpie, I think my girls would love one.

  9. Mom thinks this would be a great Christmas gift for us!

    Great review and demo, Mudpie!

  10. I do but; haven't gotten it yet. My kitties would love this. Thanks for the chance.
    Sue B

    1. Sorry forgot my email.

  11. looks like you are having a great time with that

  12. It looks like you're having a lot of fun with that mat! I know that Carmine would love to go in it when it's in a triangle - he loves to hide in cubes and stuff like that.

  13. What a score, the pictures!

  14. Our boys get a special food treat for Christmas as well as a catnip stuffed toy that I usually make for them.

  15. HAH! I can’t believe you fit it there. The only thing we found is good for is as a backdrop for photos of products.

  16. I don't have a birthday present picked out for my cat yet, but I'm looking.. I think she would love something like this! She also loves toys that she can grab, hold in her paws, and kick with her one back foot (she only has 3 legs) I entered with an "Amie De" Facebook account.

  17. OOoo, so pretty! And we just happen to know someone here who loves purple!

  18. is a site I need to get to know better.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  19. We've have extreme vet bills for three of our dogs this year, so money is tight and I haven't even begun to think of buying Christmas.

  20. I don't know I think Mudpie's butt looks just fine. Glad she is having fun.

    gibsonbk at hiwaay dot net

  21. Looks like it's a lot of fun. Would love to win this for the boys. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. we received one of those too and it is very much kitten sized.. but it is nice to see adults using it too

  23. That triangle looks like a lot of fun ! Purrs

  24. That looks like a lot of fun and it doesn't make your butt look big at all! MOL! We scored a toy this month too. Sometimes our humans can move fast enough to get the limited supply!

  25. Wow! That is the coolest cave ever
    Lily & Edward

  26. Great feature and giveaway. Love it. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  27. What a sweet gift which is so much fun. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  28. It looks like you're having a blast with your play mat!

  29. Cute gift. No gift picked out yet.

  30. What a great gift for my Tiki! Thank you for sharing Mudpie!

  31. Oh Mudpie dat's pawsum. We got one too. Mommy hasn't even let us open it yet tho'. Weez gotta go bug her now. Have fun.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  32. We are giving him a new scratching post and a comfy cozy bed.

  33. That thing looks PAWESOME! We missed out on it this time, but we'd love to win one! And no, Mudpie... that does not make your butt look big. It makes it look FANTASTIC!

  34. Your butt is perfect, if it were big you wouldn't be able to run through the tunnel like in the video. :)

  35. My kitty will be getting some cute catnip toys and I'm sure lots of treats.

  36. I have 4 cats, and they're all each getting new collars and tags, and then a few toys to share!

  37. Mudpie, ever such I heard how much you love this and how you love running through it, I just thought that was so cute. I loved your video! I hope whoever wins, has a kitty small enough to be able to fit in it. However, Pierrot is very big and still loves finding a toy hidden inside and loves to bat it out. Great review!

  38. i dont have cats, but dogs but i would love this to donate to safe haven cat rescue and clinic.

  39. I have three cats (one is newly adopted this year-I just picked up his stocking yesterday!) We always give our cats Christmas presents. Toys, beds, and treats are their favorites. We hide their stockings around the living room and they have to find them. I love this mat, the cats would have a blast.

  40. we dont yet - i love this thing though!

  41. I haven't picked out a Christmas present for my dogs or cats, yet. I have no idea what to get them.
