
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cat Sitting Can Be Hazardous To Your Health & a Pet Selfie Contest

Meows from Mudpie!

I had to put my Nurse Mudpie hat on again this week. Last weekend Mommy did some cat sitting for our neighbor and on Sunday night she took a bad fall down their garage steps. She twisted her ankle so badly she was afraid to get up thinking it had to be broken. It wasn't, but it's very swollen and bruised. I told her she needs to pull out a pair of flip flops to show off her pretty purple foot!!! MOL

She says this face never fails to make her feel better, so we're entering it in the Sunday Selfies blog hop.

Speaking of selfies, our favorite store Tractor Supply Company is running a Pet Selfie Contest on their Facebook page. You can enter your sweetest, funniest or silliest selfie here for your chance to win a $50 gift card for yourself *and* your favorite animal shelter!!! But hurry...the contest ends at 11:59 PM eastern tonight!


  1. That face would make anyone feel better. You are so precious, Mudpie. We are sorry your mommy fell and hurt herself. When our mom saw her doctor on Thursday, she told her that she is always just one step away from a accident. Sad but true. Take extra good care of Mom Melissa. Thanks for hopping and telling us about this contest. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. We bet pics of Mom in her purple foot (feet?) will be one ta use fer decades! She'll be able to guilt her friends a LOT.

  3. So sorry Mom hurt her ankle so badly. Hope it heals quickly. That is a great Selfie Mudpie. Happy Easy Sunday to all of you.

  4. I hope your mom's ankle feels better fast. Thank goodness she has such a good nurse!

  5. Sometimes sprains are worse than breaks. Hope your mom feels better soon.

  6. Oh your poor mommie!! Take good care of her, Mudpie!! You DO have a beautiful face!

  7. Take care you don't trip your Mom up while she has her twisted ankle and hope it will start to feel less ouchie soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. Glad you are around to take care of your mom. Hope her ankle feels better soon.

  9. Ooooooooooooooooo,your poor mum :(
    We are glad her ankle is not broken, but sprains really hurt.
    Good think you are there to make her feel better.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  10. We bet you were the best medicine for your mom, Mudpie! We hope her ankle is feeling better. We're off to check out the selfie contest!

  11. Glad you're taking good care of your Mommy, Mudpie. Your sweet face would make me feel better, too.

  12. You are a very good nurse, Mudpie. We hope your mom heals up quickly!

  13. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that your mommy's ankle is hurt, Mudpie. But, with a nurse like you, I'm sure she'll be better in no time! Your adorable face is enough to heal anything. Purrs to you and your mommy!

  14. Ouch- your poor Mommy. I hope she gets well soon, I am sure she will with such a pretty nurse to take care of her. Thank you for letting us know about the contest.

  15. That's one terrific selfie, Mudpie. Sending healing purrs and prayers for Mommy ... we hope she's all better real soon!

  16. Oh no! Your poor Mommy! She's lucky she has the cutest nurse ever!

  17. Ahhh Mudpie we are so sorry to hear about your Mommie. WE hope she is better and we know you are just the right medicine.
    Happy Selfie Sunday!!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  18. Oh, that's just terrible! Ankles have so many nerve endings. I hope momma heals up really soon! And in the interim, you really do make the cutest nurse in the world. I'm sure your love helps a lot.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  19. Deer Mudpie pleeze give mee purrss an reegardss to Lady Melissa fur a speedy ree-covery!! Poor lady......
    Yur selfie iss beeuteefull...say yur a Nurse an mee iss a Purr-amedic; wee sure are talented katss aren't wee????
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  20. We hope your mom's ankle heals good and fast. Purrs

  21. Hope your mom gets better real soon, and with such a charming face I'm sure she'll not want for love and happiness... purrs ERin

  22. Oh no! Give your mom lots of healing purrs!

  23. Hope your Mom Feels Better!
    Samantha & Chandra

  24. Speedy recovery to your mommy. You are a pawsome nurse.

    Emma and Buster

  25. Nurse Mudpie, your adorableness would cheer even the bluest of ankles!;p Speediest recovery to your Mama :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  26. Oh dear, Mudpie. So sorry to hear your mommy took a bad spill. Take good care of her, and I do love you in that hat!

  27. oh wow your poor Mom!! Tell her not to mess with that!!! I have sprained my ankle a few times and they say sprained ankles are worse than breaks are! If your Mom hasn't had X-rays, she may want to, especially if it is purple! Please tell your Mom to take care of herself! catchatwithcarenandcody

  28. Whoa! Did she go to the doctor? TW broke her ankle and walked on it all night but went to the ER the next morning. She iced and wrapped it so well, there was no swelling and the doctor didn’t think it was broken until he too xrays. MOL! She can be tough. Sending healing purrz.

  29. Oh man - that sounds painful!! Get well soon!

  30. So sorry to hear that your mommy fell and hurt herself, but I agree, with your sweet face, everyone will get better soon...little nurse ;) Healing Pawkisses are on the way :) <3 <3 <3

  31. Cat Sitting is awesome job and cat selfie is a new idea
