
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Keep Your Paws Warm with Wool Cat Gloves from Triple T Studios #Giveaway

On average our fall has been pretty warm but the Winter Solstice is right around the corner and an arctic blast is heading our way. The coldest temperatures of the year so far are here and would you believe I have to take Mudpie out in it for a vet appointment later today? (She's going to kill me.)

I find that as long as I keep my hands and feet warm the rest of my body tends to follow suit, hence my ever-growing collection of cat socks, and now my adorable Wool Cat Gloves from Triple T Studios!

These gloves are so cozy and warm! They're available in two sizes (medium and large) with an elegant embroidered black cat on a cashmere wool blend gray glove with black piping trim. My favorite feature is that these cat gloves have touch points for technology on the thumb and index fingers. This has come in particularly handy since my new Jeep has a touchscreen radio.

These adorable gloves also come in a second design: the Sweet Annie Cat Gloves are pretty in pink with a whimsical decal of Annie the cat. (These gloves are also available for little girls, a purrfect gift for the little cat lady in your life.)

How would you like to win a pair of these gloves to keep you own hands super warm this winter? (They'd make a great stocking stuffer too!) Our good friends at Triple T Studios are offering one lucky winner their choice of either the black or pink gloves. This is a WORLDWIDE giveaway, so good luck everyone!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Triple T Studios. I am being compensated for reviewing these products but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. Triple T Studios is not responsible for the content of this article. Also, the links are affiliate links, which means if you click on one and buy something Mudpie gets a little money for her piggy bank!


  1. My human says she could really use gloves like these! Which color? She actually likes them both! Gray probably go with more of her wardrobe.

  2. I like the pink gloves—thanks for the chance to win them!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  3. Oooh, I love these gloves! They look warm and stylish too.

  4. Oh my goodness, I love these! I was going to say that I would choose the lovely gray gloves, but then the kitty on the pink pair melted my heart. How could one ever choose?!?

    (P.S. Evan had to go out in the cold for his annual exam yesterday. He was not thrilled. Don't worry, though, with the help of his nervous bladder, he got his revenge.)

    1. P.P.S. We got our Day of the Dead kitty statue! We are in love with it and will be posting it on our blog soon! Thank you!

  5. I love the grey ones. Thanks for the chance.
    Sue B

  6. Pink would be my choice, the are purrfect!

  7. Oh my gosh, those are cute! I love them all, but the black or gray would be used the most.

  8. Thanks, Melissa. I like the grey ones the best.

  9. I just got a pair of these (so I won't enter the giveaway). I had no idea they have the touch points in the fingers. That's awesome!

  10. Amarula wants to know when the tortie version is gonna come out! I think they are gorgeous--i love that you can be warm and fashionable at the same time! The grey are my fav but that cat on the pink ones is so cute!

  11. The pink are so lovely. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.

  12. I love the gray ones! Here's a funny ... between the dog blogs I follow and the gift guides popping up everywhere, I had boots and feet warmers for dogs on my mind. When I read the title of your post, I couldn't help but think, "Holy cat! Melissa gets gloves on Mudpie?" :)

  13. I love the grey ones! Those are absolutely adorable.

  14. The gray ones! The pink are nice, but I couldn't wear those everyday like the grey ones.

  15. Our mommy could really enjoy these! I would love the pink ones unless they attract lots of our fur - if so, then the gray. Yes, we live in the desert but Mommy also has RA and she wears gloves inside when her fingers are cold and aching. We want her to be well to make sure she loves on us! jeaniedannheim (at) ymail (dot) com

  16. mudpie.....sorree bout de trip de de place oh eeeeeeeeeeeevil, itz bad enuf when itz springtime N grate outside, but yea...two dayz 190 bee low zee roe ~~~~~~~ yur momz glovez R rockin awesum tho we gotta add mit; we loves triple T studios N everee thing they due in givin back ~~~~ best fishes two everee one in thiz awesum give a way !!! ♥♥♥♥

  17. What great gloves! I really love them. I like them both, but I think I would prefer the pink. Add a little color to my wardrobe! Thanks for the chance.

  18. The mom likes the pink ones, but she would select the gray ones because they're more practical and go with her winter coat better.

  19. i would like the gray b/c it goes better with my winter jacket.

  20. I love both gloves, but the gray would go better with my winter coats.

  21. Those are really cute. Too bad mom has bear paws for hands. Her fingers probably wouldn't fit in something so adorable.

  22. I love the grey ones. Thank you for the chance.

  23. Very nice gloves, everything they have is wonder

  24. I love the pink!
    Donna L.
    naloe@hotmail dot com

  25. I like both 😊 but if I have to choose I'd go with the pink.

  26. I love the gray gloves! They will go so well with my black coat. Thanks for the giveaway.

  27. I LOVE the pink ones - pink is my favorite color!!
    It has been freeeeeezing here the past couple of days. It was 19 today and -10 last night!!

  28. Gray is such a practical color for gloves. It matches anything.

  29. i love the gray, but the pink is cute

  30. Well, they are both great! But I guess I would go with pink.

  31. I like the gray ones. Thanks for the opportunity.

  32. I'd love the gray ones cos TW already bought the pink ones since her winter jacket is bright pink. We love Triple T!
