
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

3 Ways to Help Hurricane Harvey's 4-Legged Victims

The images coming out of southeast Texas are impossible to comprehend. As an animal lover first and foremost, my heart breaks for the human victims, but it's completely torn in half for the four-legged ones. Animals separated from their families (either by choice or by chance), shelters unable to evacuate choosing to euthanize cats and dogs in advance of the's all just too much.

Here are a few ways you can help, whether you live close to the affected area or are watching helplessly from far away...

Financial Donations and Supplies. Austin Pets Alive has been working tirelessly since before the hurricane hit to transport animals from affected areas and has so far saved over 400 lives. Money is the main need for them right now because they have received so many donations of supplies that they're having a hard time storing everything. Financial donations will allow them to purchase what they need when they need it.

On Friday afternoon the SPCA of Texas (thanks to an amazing donation from PetSmart Charities) received a transfer of 123 cats from The Cattery Cat Shelter in Corpus Christi, and is prepared to take in hundreds more in addition to deploying emergency response teams to the area. Please consider contributing at or make an in-kind donation. The supplies most needed are cat litter, litter boxes, towels, blankets, large wire crates, toys, treats, pet beds, newspaper and gas gift cards.

Best Friends Animal Society is working closely with affected shelters, and northeast shelters will also be needing donations as the little furry refugees arrive.

There are many, many other worthwhile organizations working to help hurricane victims, both human and animal. Just be aware of any possible scams, an unfortunate aftermath of any disaster.

Foster. Shelters are overcrowded under ordinary circumstances, so when a natural disaster hits they find themselves in even greater need of foster homes for the animals they rescue. Opening your home to a foster pet gives them a safe, loving environment to recover from this ordeal while allowing shelters to save more animals.

Adopt. If you or someone you know has been looking to add a furry family member, now is the perfect time. You will save that animal's life as well as open up space for another homeless pet in need.

We all have the power to do something, no matter where we are. These shelters are going to need our support for a long, long time.

We're also super excited about the Auction for Austin Pets Alive organized by our friends at the Dash Kitten blog. They're looking for donations of items and bids so please check out the auction's Facebook event page!


  1. Thanks for the links - I shared on Twitter!

  2. Great information ! We cross our paws for all the people and anipals in Texas. Purrs

  3. It hurts my heart to read the devastating stories of Hurricane Harvey. I am prayIng so hard for all those affected. Thank you so much for sharing these links. I am trying to find any ways to help, and these are perfect.

  4. Thank you for sharing this, Melissa. I so wish I had some extra funds to help any of these great organizations. Things are just so tight right now with Carmine and Lita's medical needs. I hope and pray that all the animals are reunited with their loving humans. It is just heartbreaking to know that so many have gotten lost!

  5. Thanks for these ways to help. We are purring for all of those affected by this terrible storm. We're proud to say that our local shelter where the mom volunteers will be taking in a few of the displaced animals from Houston so we can find them homes.

  6. Thanks for the great info, Melissa.

  7. Great info, and we are all purring for Houston and environs.

  8. I get as choked up seeing pets rescued as I do seeing people. One news report even had pictures of a rescuer saving a little deer! Love the people of Houston. Thanks for the information and all the ways to help.

  9. Thank you for spreading the word to help those affected by Harvey.

  10. We have family and friends in the Houston area, so we will be sharing your great info with everyone we know. Thanks so much!

  11. Many animals must be so scared & worried and wondering what will happen to them and if they will find shelter and security. Pets oftentimes are the ones that suffer the most when natural disasters happen. Sending hugs & purrs. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  12. The whole situation is just heartbreaking, especially for the animals who had to be left behind. I know of one shelter in our area that's getting ready to take in some pets from Texas.

  13. Does everyone remember the story of how HSUS petnapped somebody's beloved dog, misreading the dog's stress reaction as "evidence of abuse," after Katrina? How shamelessly Wayne Pacelle told it in "The Bond"?

    It's easy to be an armchair critic but I'm in favor of sheltering/fostering humans and their animals together. "Our" Katrina survivor had got out in time in his own car, with his dog, and man and dog had obviously been a tremendous comfort to each other.

    I know someone in Houston and yesterday Twittered that she should feel free to come up to Virginia for the duration, and pack a van with neighbors. I don't know that she even saw the tweet, but at least it looks as if she's not on the way to Virginia. Whew. But if she were, I'd hope she would know that *of course* that means BRING HER CATS.

  14. What a wonderful list of worthwhile organizations and actions. I've been happy to hear about so many evacuation shelters that are accepting people with their pets. We learned a lot following Katrina, when many people who chose to stay at home because they could not evacuate with their pets perished.

  15. Paws up for sharing great ways to help our friends in need in Texas.

  16. Great post Mudpie! Always good to think of ways to help!

  17. Great info. The ones we feel the worst about are/were the street cats. The feral cats. Those little bodies that washed away. Our hearts bleed for them. Human shelters need to open their doors to pets too so families don't have to choose to stay with possible loss of life or leave their pets behind.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Thank you for sharing these links! I will surely act on this. Hugs to you and Mudpie!

  20. It's really heartbreaking all around. Thank you for listening the local resources that are providing help in this disaster. Sometimes it's better to give locally where the money can be put to use right away. ~A blogpawshop visit from littledoginabigworld~

  21. Thank you for sharing these links, Mudpie and Mom Melissa. We will tweet your post now!

  22. It is really hard looking at the photos of the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to escape a disaster of these proportions. Thank you for sharing the links to help the animals. They are going to need every bit of help they can get.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  23. It's so sad what's happening in the south. Thanks for sharing this info.

  24. Great info. Will share.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  25. mudpie...manee thanx for sharin all theeze linx N about de auction ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  26. High paw for such a helpful post Mudpie. This ALL matters.

  27. We too have spent many hours cryin' over da situation with those affected by these storms. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena
