
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Halloween Fun Concludes...

Meows from Mudpie!

The Halloween decorations are packed away in their boxes until next year and Mommy is already thinking about pulling out the Christmas tree, but I wanted to share with you a few more fun details about my Halloween!

With no Target in Vermont (until next October, anyways!), Mommy spotted a Day of the Dead cat on their website that she simply had to add to her collection, and our sweet friends at As the World Purrs offered to send us one! The package arrived last week and it contained more than we ever expected. Jenny, Gus, Pearl, and Jaq also sent Mommy a sweet black cat tote bag, and for me, an adorable set of mice holding candy corn! I could hardly wait for Mommy to clip one off of the card, and before you could say "boo" I was bopping it all around the living room. It's where I tucked it when I was finished playing that melted Mommy's heart though.

Would you have spotted the mouse if I hadn't pointed it out? Mommy thinks it's so funny the way I tuck my toys into little hiding spots around the house as though there were a half dozen other cats around trying to put their paws on my stuff! She wondered if I would remember where I left it, and sure enough the next morning as I passed through the hallway I plucked that little guy out and started playing with him again! I love him to pieces.

Many of you have probably met La Suegra over at Summer's blog. It's one of our favorite blog posts of the year and the more La Suegra kept popping up in various posts the more we loved her. When Mommy visited CVS the day after Halloween to see what was left at half price, guess who hitched a ride home with her? There was one left on the shelf so Mommy said it was meant to be. I was a bit more skeptical.

Oh, and on Halloween afternoon the FedEx man made a surprise delivery from filled with sweet treats for Mommy! Since most Chewy boxes come with goodies for me, I was glad to see her get one for a change. (There was a third jar with the letter "O" on it to spell BOO but it didn't survive the trip!)

Anyways, we had a purrfect Halloween, and now we're ready to start decking the halls!


  1. What a terrific and spooktacular Halloween you had, Mudpie! Due to a reluctance to say goodbye to Halloween, perhaps with a little side of laziness, this here human has not yet taken down the Halloween decorations. They will start coming down today, though, and we're already eager for Christmas!

  2. What awesome Halloween gifts from your blogging pals.

    I had to look twice to make sure La Suegra didn't leave our house for yours! Nope, she's still here.

  3. You have such cool Halloween things :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Those are great Halloween decorations. We're surprised your mom doesn't leave them out and mix them with the Christmas decorations. :)

  5. Looks like you had a a fun Halloween Mudpie. I'm in love with that Day of the Dead cat!

  6. What a terrific cache of Halloween stuff! The Day of the Dead cat is really cool!

  7. I love that Day of the Dead kitty!!! It will make a wonderful addition to the rest of your halloween decorations! That's so cool that your mom got her own box of treats!!!! YUM!

  8. You scored big time!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Sounds like you love Halloween almost as much as Soldier, my dog, does. He enjoys sitting with me to give out treats on our front porch and giving dog biscuites to any pets who come in costume. Our cat, Peanut Butter, would rather hide in the basement to avoid the "screaming rug rats." (PB's words, not mine!)

  10. I love all your decorations especially the Day of Dead cat. I was lazy this year and didn't get all our decorations out, but now I kind of regret it.

  11. Of course I saw the smousy toy! Isn't it nice to have blogging furrends? Did your mom find the secret Dove candies and spiders on the bottom of the box? BTW, I LOVE love love those streamers but TW doesn't think they are a very wise packing choice.

  12. LOVE the Day of Dead cat!! I don't use decorations at Halloween but you are making me rethink that Mudpie!

  13. Lots of great Halloween items :)

  14. You have the coolest Halloween stuff, Mudpie and Mom Melissa!

  15. I love your Day of the Dead kitty. It is so cute and colorful! You were very clever to hide your mouse between the deer's feet, Mudpie. I would have never noticed it there if you wouldn't have pointed it out. :)
    -Purrs from your friends at

  16. Oh, Mudpie, Mom & I love EVERYTHING! That mousie looks super fun to bat around & you are so smart to keep him hidden, 'cause you never know... a doggie or zom or zom doggie could come a prowlin'! Mom found a pair of Day of the Dead kitty towels on sale after All Hallows Eve she said at "Pier One." She also bought a pair of mugs with Persian kitties on them that she couldn't resist! I think our mommas should get together & shop & I think they should set up trees the shape of us kitties for xmas, too! Purrs cutie pie! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  17. I love that tote bag, so cute! We got the Chewy surprise, too. That was very thoughtful of them!
