
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Dark Shadows #SundaySelfies

Meows from Mudpie!

My selfie today is quite dark and shadowy but it actually fits with what we want to chat about!

Are you familiar with the gothic soap Dark Shadows? Mommy has always wanted to see it but since it ran from 1966 to 1971 it came and went before she was even born. She's pretty excited because we just read that the entire series of 1,225 episodes is now available on Amazon Prime to stream for free!!!

Whoa, that's gonna be a lot of couch cuddling time! SCORE!!!

We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop!


  1. Wow! That is a lot of cuddles! Hopefully, it will keep you warm!

  2. Thanks for reminding my human... now she's gonna go take a peek!


    Holy Smoke Mudpie :-) See you in 2020 MOL!!!!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  4. MOL...Enjoy the long sit, Mudpie :D Great Selfie! Pawkisses for an Easy Sunday :) <3

  5. That sounds right up my avenue, especially given my new housekeeper! I love the selfie, reminds me of a cosy fireside chat by TV presenter.
    Toodle pips

  6. Mudpie, we think you look gorgeous even in the shadows. Mysterious looks good on you. Now, excuse us while we also settle in for a Dark Shadows marathon. Purrs!

  7. Mudpie, you look very Dark Shadowy there! I saw a very few little bits of that show a long time ago, but since I never caught a whole episode it was hard for me to get into the story. Maybe I'll try again from the start!

  8. Oh my, Mudpie, you and Mommy are going to have a lot of cuddle time!

  9. OOO, Mudpie, we had NO idea you could be such a "shadowy" character. This is a whole new side of yourself! Love, P and P

  10. Love your Sunday Selfie. My Sunday Selfie is different. It's of a young deer. It's entitled My Sunday Selfie with a picture of a deer. Hope everyone checks it out.

  11. Very nice selfie. I never heard of the series, but that is great you will get to see it.

  12. Nice selfie, Mudpie!

    1225 episodes? Even if Mommy binge watches, that will take a long time to watch!

  13. Mom says she saw all 1225 episodes when they originally aired, I think that means she is older than dirt. She used to love that "soap opera". Mudpie you look gorgeous as always in your selfie.

  14. Mudpie, I'm thrilled to learn this! I am a total Dark Shadows junkie, and I'm old enough --ah-hem--to have seen the episodes when they first aired. Then, about ten years ago, I had a hankering to see them again, so I started buying them in DVD format! I'm up to roughly episode 800! I used to watch a few episodes every night before bed. In fact when my little tuxedo, my angel Natasha, would hear the opening theme music she would run and jump on my bed to watch with me. I hope you have fun watching with Mommy!!

  15. Beeuteefull selfie Mudpie! You all wayss look so purrty.
    LadyMum said to tell yur Mumma Melissa that the character called Barnabas Collinss was played by Jonathan Frid who came frum Hamilton, Ontario, Canada where LadyMum was born! Inn fact, there iss a Frid Street named after thee furamillee!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  16. OH MY COD! Mom used to rush home from school to watch Dark Shadows! We're pretty sure she saw ALL the episodes and we can see some binge watching in her future!

    The Florida Furkids

  17. Wow, we remember Dark Shadows!
    Oh, I feel soooo old.
    Have a spectacular weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  18. I’ve seen almost all of the episodes. Some are better than others. Enjoy.

  19. What a beautiful Selfie Mudpie! You are gorgeous!
    Gosh, now I feel old. I remember coming home from school and watching Dark Shadows on television!

  20. Our mom was a fan of Dark Shadows and is old, so she watched it when it was on TV. She was in college at the time so didn't get to see it as often as she would have liked. How cool to be free on Amazon Prime. She might have to watch some of it again. Mudpie, we really like the lighting in this photo. But then, you always look terrific. Thanks for hopping with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  21. The mom remembers Dark Shadows (she’s really old!). But she never watched it when it was on. Actually, she was a little too young for it. Maybe she’ll watch it now.

  22. vampire movies would be too scary for Lynettea. Not me, of course!

  23. iz gonna lovez food gurl haz de eppa sodez on dee vee dee and all 33 books written by marilyn ross { pen name of william } tell mom ta chex them out two !! ☺☺♥♥

  24. Oh my, your momma is gonna chuckle about how funny those old Dark Shadows eps were...the overly-dramatic acting, lighting, and sometimes you can see the camera shadow, or boom mike in the frame! LOL! I was always in love with Quentin, but of course Barnabas Collins was my favorite! Did your momma see the Johnny Depp movie a few years ago? Really, it was pretty good!

  25. Oh, that is wonderful! Mom is excited to hear that news. She has always wanted to see them, 'cause she loved the ones that came out in the 1980s. BTW, I luv your shadowy selfie! Hugs! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews
