
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Flower Tortie #CaturdayArt

(Created with PhotoLab)

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy's Reader...

Mommy's answers:

1. I have never been able to drive a stick shift. When I first got my permit my dad was determined I was going to learn to drive on his truck which had a standard transmission, and it so completely overwhelmed me that it ruined the whole learning to drive experience for me. Which is probably why I didn't get my license until I was 30.

2. I wish I could still roller skate. We used to have skating parties in elementary school and I was so clumsy on them I refused to leave the rug. LOL By the time I finally mastered the skates and felt super comfortable on the rink the parties stopped. Now I wonder if I would be able to pick it back up again.

Mudpie's answers:

3. Curled up on the couch with my blankies and Mommy is my ideal winter night.

4. Adopt a cat this winter and you'll always be warm and cozy.


  1. Really nice art, Mudpie! My human loves driving with a stick. OTOH, she has never been able to to roller skate! Not when she was young, and certainly not now, when she worries she might break something and doesn't have the time for being injured. She tried ice skating at one point and will never forget the time she fell on her back and knocked the air out of her lungs.

  2. Your art is gorgeous, Mudpie! I never could roller skate. It always looked like fun, but having wheels attached to my feet just felt so wrong. I loved ice skating though and would like to try that again.

  3. Very pretty, Mudpie. I never learned to roller skate but can drive a stick shift. I love your answers, Mudpie.

  4. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
    That is really cool!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. Your art is so pretty, Mudpie. I have only ever driven stick shift. In the UK it it is far more common than automatic.

  6. Very pretty art. Thank you both for these great fill-in answers. I bet your mom could skate again easily. I used to skate all the time when I was a kid and about 5 years ago I tried and still could. I can't drive a stick either. And Miss Mudpie, I love your answers. XO

  7. Beautiful art, Mudpie! PhotoLab looks like a great editor :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  8. Wow ! That's beautiful ! Very cool art ! Purrs

  9. Hi Pinky-girl, Mudpie. We like your answer #4--Adopt a cat!

  10. Oh, what a lovely masterpiece of you, Mudpie! It reminds us of springtime. And we just love your fill-ins, all of them. I also cannot drive a stick shift, I remember the days of rollerskating parties, and the kitties agree with you 100%, Mudpie!

  11. That's a nice flower wig, MP. Pretty colors and no orange! TW used to love to roller skate only she's so old, she had the ones with the keys. She loved bike riding too and wishes she still had a bike. OTOH, she never learned to drive. Her friend tried to teach her but TW totally scared her. "NO! Don't turn on two wheels. MY CAR!!!!"

  12. Beautiful art, Mudpie! I had to learn to drive with a stick shirt, but haven't driven one since I was a teenager. I wonder if it would come back to me.

  13. Mudpie, I think you did a great job with these.And your artwork is beautiful.
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  14. Oh this is mighty fine artwork, Mudpie. We never tried Photo Lab, it looks great! Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3
