
Friday, February 9, 2018

Review & Giveaway: Smiling Paws Pets Cat Litter Mat

Throughout all my years as a cat mom I've had a tried and true method for keeping the floor around the litter box clean from litter kicked overboard or tracked out on kitty paws - a mini dustpan and broom from the dollar store for daily cleanups and weekly vacuuming. I've never used a litter mat but always intended buy one someday, so when the nice people at Smiling Paws Pets contacted us and asked if we'd like to review one of their litter mats I was quick to accept, especially after I saw the adorable (yet fully functional) design!

The first thing I noticed when I unrolled the mat from it's handy cardboard sleeve is that it's ginormous!!! The jumbo size is really too big at 47"x33" for my tiny bathroom (it also comes in extra large, 35"x23.5") but I was able to curl the excess up against the wall and hold it there with the litter box, so it didn't pose a problem. This mat will comfortably cover the area around any size box, no matter how large.

The second thing I noticed is how impressive it looks. It's available in 4 colors - gray, brown (which we chose), beige and black - and each mat is imprinted with the company's cute cat logo in the corner. Since the theme of my home decor is best described as "cute cat chic", this was a huge plus for me. It makes me smile when I look at it, and who couldn't use a few extra smiles each day?

So now we're at the most important did it work for us? Amazingly well. This is an extremely well-made, sturdy litter mat that we're certain will stand up to high traffic potty boxes. It's hard to describe the texture of the mat, but Smiling Paws Pets says it's 100% PVC, BPA & Phthalate free, and made with loofah-like materials so excess litter is easily trapped. From the outward appearance you would think it's rough and scratchy but it's not, and the skid-free bottom keeps the mat firmly in place no matter where you put it. The mat is also promised to be completely urine proof for any accidents your kitty might have, but we haven't had the need to test that part out :)

We've been using the mat for about a month now and while Mudpie isn't one to dance a jig while doing her business, I'm definitely noticing that the mat is catching litter and it's nice to simply pick up the mat every few days and tap the litter right back into the box instead of having to sweep or vacuum it up. For anyone with cats that dig to China while covering up their daily deposits, the Smiling Paws Pets Cat Litter Mat is a must-have!

Smiling Paws Pets is a small, family run company that sells not only this amazing litter mat, but also pet beds, travel carriers, and stain and odor eliminators. And their customer service is second to none! Not only did I receive an email when my mat shipped, I received another shortly after with instructions on how to unfold the mat so it would lay flat, and yet another to see if I had any questions or problems! You don't see that personal touch with many businesses nowadays so it's much noticed and appreciated.

Discount Code

From today through March 10th, use coupon code "Melissa15" for 15% off your entire order at Smiling Paws Pets!


Smiling Paws Pets is also generously allowing us to offer one lucky reader in the US a litter mat of their very own! The winner can choose between the brown, black, or gray mat. To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below. Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: We received a free litter mat from Smiling Paws Pets in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own and we never recommend a product we don’t fully believe in. 


  1. Litter mats are a must around here - Crockett is a litter flinger.

  2. My human thinks this is a good idea... must be Binga's fault.

  3. Our litterboxes are on a concrete floor, so TBT just sweeps after cleaning them every day.

  4. That mat looks pretty cool.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. I have one litter mat and it helps somewhat. I usually have to sweep. Thanks for the chance.

  6. That sounds like a great mat. I used to have a mat that was way too small, so it didn't work that well. These days, we mostly just vacuum around the box. :)

  7. I’ve never had a litter mat. I sweep every day, too. This mat sounds great. Thanks, Melissa and Mudpie.

  8. I have a small mat in front of one of our litter boxes and it's really helped prevent the scatter of litter. We have three litter boxes, and this would be perfect for the one in the upstairs bathroom!

  9. We have used Smiling Paws Pets litter mats ever since we did a review for them a couple years ago, and we love how they work! Not to mention that they are indeed very cute. I still sweep and vacuum regularly, but the amount of litter strewn about the litter room is incredibly low, and I never find it anywhere else in the house anymore. We are so glad you like yours, too!

  10. I've never used this brand but it would nice to win it.

  11. I sweep everyday and this helps but the litter mat would be so helpful. Thanks.

  12. We haven't heard of this litter mat--thanks for the giveaway!

  13. we've been looking for a replacement for our old litter mat that had fabric on the edge, and I didn't like that!

  14. Oh this would make a great addtion -- or subtraction. Maybe I wouldn't have to sweep up as much! MOL

  15. Great revue. We got a really nice (and big) litter mat last year at BlogPaws so we're not entering. TW used to use a rug under the box. Either way, when she cleans, she just shakes the mat/rug back into the box then she vacuums.

  16. We're not going to enter because we already have one. AND... we posted our review today, too! Great minds think alike.

  17. We never used a litter mat until we got a free one at last year's CWA banquet. I've always used a huge plastic bag under the box ... but the litter mat is much easier to vacuum. I never thought about it before ... but I suppose some cats might not like the feel of plastic under their paws. We'd love to try this mat! Talk about style AND function!

  18. I definitely need one or two of these great mats. What a great review.

  19. I've not tried one, but now I want to!

  20. I have my cats in the bottom of a small closet but the mess is awful. I need a mat to keep it there in one place.

  21. I have to use a litter mat. My baby makes a mess if I don't.

  22. I have 2 litter mats, usually clean them 1-2 times a day

  23. Great review ! We could use this mat for Pixie. Good luck to our US friends for the giveaway ! Purrs

  24. I do use litter mats because my boys like to dig to China and back and I haven't really found a very good mat to hold the litter. Smiling Paw Pets sounds like it may solve the problem.

  25. Nice review. That looks like a great mat. I am going to skip the giveaway though because my cats just pee on mats when I use them.

  26. I've tried them but I think they're always too small because Meku still tracks the litter out

    1. Hello Jeniffer, you might want to try our Jumbo size litter mat. :)

  27. I have not used a mat. I usually sweep the area around the box.

  28. I've never used a mat before but it looks useful!

  29. We normally use a towel, I would love a mat.

  30. Those people at Smiling Paws Pets are sure nice, too. It sounds like we both found the mat to be a keeper! Purrs! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  31. We've been using a dirt tracker mat for a while. It does not catch all the litter our 1 little digger tosses around. Guess we need an actual litter mat!

  32. We can always use a great litter mat under our numerous litter boxes.

  33. We do have a litter mat but it’s chewed on the ends so we can use another. We keep the area clean by sweeping the litter up every week.

  34. I’ve never tried a litter mat before! I just have to sweep often, and had been thinking about getting one. The Smiling Paws mats look awesome!
