
Friday, May 11, 2018

Fun Feline Finds: Garfield At 40

Garfield has been a part of my life for as far back as I can remember. The original "crabby tabby," I identify with him in so many ways...we both love lasagna, hate mornings, and enjoy spending hours curled up in front of the TV doing nothing.

Through the years I've collected nearly every Garfield book that's been released, numerous stuffed animals and figurines, household items like mugs and teapots, and my favorites...Garfield Christmas ornaments. (In the early days before the strips were collected in book form my mom would clip them out of the newspaper and glue them in notebooks for me. I still have those notebooks and will always treasure them!)

On June 19th Garfield will turn 40 years old and he continues to spread his mirth and girth far and wide! Some new merchandise is starting to trickle out to coincide with this special occasion and I can already see my collection growing larger!

I'd say Garfield has aged quite well, wouldn't you?
What's your favorite thing about the original grumpy cat?

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  1. I LUV Garfield - after all, I'm an orange tabby who'll eat anything!

  2. Wow, there is a lot of cool Garfield merch coming out!

  3. WOW, 40 years?
    That's a lot of Garfield :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. I have loved Garfield forever--but I didn't realize it's actually been 40 years! :)

  5. Oh wow...40 years? Mom feels REALLY old now!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Yes, Garfield has aged well. I’ve always enjoyed the humor, even at Odie’s expense. :)

  7. For some reason, I'm surprised that he's only 40. I used to read Garfield all the time as a kid. What a great flashback for me!

  8. We always loved the adventures of Garfield with pal Odie. They always put a smile on our faces. Garfield looks pretty good for almost being 40 years old. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  9. I love Garfield! He sure ages like fine wine. I watch the Garfield holiday specials every Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. And my goodness, those shoes you shared are too cute!

  10. And yet, he doesn't look a day over . . . um, five. We loved Garfield and we loved his big cheeks the best!

  11. Garfield was always a fave. I have cat dishes and a matching placemat. I don't think TW had any plushies. You must have missed it or had them but TW had donated three Franklin Mint figurines to help some of the CB cat auctions.

  12. Wow, we can't believe he's 40! He doesn't look a day over 10.

  13. Age cannot wither nor the years condemn, nor custom stale, Garfield's infinite snarkiness.

    I like Garfield in cartoons, and cats as different from him as possible in real life.

  14. 40 years already ? Can't believe it ! Claire loves Garfield too ! Purrs

  15. Garfield has always been one of our favorite cat celebrities. We can't believe he's 40!

  16. I have always liked Garfield. I have some stuffed ones and an Odie too.

  17. Gotta love it! I've saved several strips from Garfield for my permanent collection. 40 years though?!? Garfield is as old as I am?!? Sheesh!
