
Monday, August 27, 2018

Wine, Whiskey & Whiskers

The topic of this week's Mewsic Moves Me blog hop is songs that mention beverages in the title. If that's not a theme tailor-made for country music I don't know what is!

Before we begin, would anyone care for a refreshing glass of Mudpie merlot?

For this topic Conway once again posed a bit of a challenge. It was a well known fact that he never touched alcohol so drinking songs just weren't his thing. (Yet other musicians who spent the majority of their lives/careers either drunk, stoned, or both, lived far longer, showing just how cruel life can be.) Fear not, I found a beauty, featuring my favorite adult beverage (and pretty much the only one I ever indulge in)...

While I'm not a huge fan of drinking songs myself, these are all songs I've greatly enjoyed through the years.

Do any of our choices catch your ear?

Next week our freebie topic is all about birthdays, mine and my #1 guy's! 
We hope you'll join us then!


  1. You found a lot of songs for your theme Mudpie.
    Mudpie Merlot sounds cool ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Mudpie, you are a special “vintage”.

  3. Why, yes, thank you, we'll take a hearty glass of Mudpie merlot! I'm like you and am not a huge fan of drinking songs. Nevertheless, I sure enjoyed these! I've always thought the song title "That's Asking Too Much of the Wine" had such a nice ring to it. Happy Monday!

  4. Oh I used to love Highway 101! Thanks for reminding me about them.

  5. YAY! you found something for Conway! :)

    Surprisingly, my list only has one country music song. Go figure.

    Thanks for playing along!


  6. You certainly chose some great songs. Now we're thirsty!

  7. Beverages in the names of songs..Hmmm, should have told the housekeeper. She would have jumped at the chance to make me do a post on George Jones' White Lighting!! You know a lot about Conway. We're always learning something new! - Tom x

  8. Great choices, I like Toby Keith a lot. I am surprised you didn't pick Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley.

  9. Melissa,

    You used to think you can't be a country singer if you can't cry in your beer or drink your sorrows away with a bottle of whiskey. Like you, I'm not a fan of 'drinking songs' but they are immensely popular and plentiful to say the least. I veered away from them in this week's post but I did mention a couple on Friday. I don't think I listened to any of your songs playing on the turntable with the exception of Toby Keith's "Whiskey Girl". So you get extra kudos for coming up with new introduction for this gal! Have a boogietastic & blessed week, my friend!

  10. Great songs. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I vote for Toby Keith! Lots of whiskey flowing here.
    I'm trying to imagine a mudpie merlot. Sadly, many wines and chocolate just don't mix. It's really too bad....Alana

  12. I absolutely love all your song choices! I don't drink much, but when I do wine is generally my drink of choices. ;) Hope you're having a great weekend! :)
