
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Remembering My Christmas Angel

Christmas is a time to remember those who are no longer with us, and this year will be my fourth Christmas without Truffles, double the holidays we got to spend together.

Since her portrait, paw print, and ashes rest on a table in the living room that gets moved to make room for the Christmas tree, I have to find a new spot of honor for her during the holiday season and create a special Christmas memorial area. Each year I've changed it a bit and this year I did a "winter wonderland" theme with an assortment of trees arranged around some favorite cat items. My favorite new additions are the "tortie print" trees I found at Christmas Tree Shop. They almost look like I shaved Mudpie and glued her fur to the wooden trees!

We're excited to say that our Secret Paws package has already arrived at it's destination to the Farm Cats at the Broken Teepee blog, and Mudpie received hers on Sunday from our friends at Three Chatty Cats! This mean Mommy has told her she has to wait until closer to Christmas to open it though :) 


  1. We are JUST sending out our Secret Paws now. We haven't gotten ours either, so I don't feel quite so bad about running late.

  2. We like that display of honour.
    The Tortie trees are kind of interesting ;)
    We think the farm cats will be excited ti fet your gifts too :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. What a lovely memorial. The tortie trees - I don't even know what to say about those! Hugs to you as you remember your special angel.

  4. Such a beautiful memorial indeed. Love those trees- dad says he could probably make a couple of those from my fur mom vacuums up every week. I'm learning to ignore these kinds of things that spew from his mouth.

  5. Very beautiful. Hugs to you.
    Sue B

  6. Yes, it sure it tough, especially at holiday time. Hugs from all of us.

  7. What a nice way to remember your sweet angel.

  8. A purr-ecious memorial. Those tortie trees are awesome!

  9. That's a lovely way to remember your sweet angel. Purrs

  10. Mudpie, just use your teefs and claws and open that gift yourself!

  11. Whoa! Has it been 4 years? Those are cool trees. I wonder how they'll do packed away. I haven't gotten my Secret Paws yet and TW is worried I got stiffed again like the last year I did the Twitter one. The one we sent should arrive tomorrow.

  12. Yay, I'm glad the package arrived! Sorry that Mudpie has to wait to open it though.

  13. That is a beautiful way to remember your angels. I have an ornament on the tree with a photo of each one of mine.

  14. You never stop missing them. It's so nice that you have a special place for Truffles during the holidays.

  15. Hugs to you as you remember your beloved angels. That memorial for Truffles is beautiful.

  16. Sending (((hugs))) your Memorial is just gorgeous!! Enjoy your Secret Paws!

  17. Your memorial is lovely! I know the holidays are always so sad and we remember those we love who are no longer with us both furry and human. Hugs!

  18. I have always adored your memorial display for your angels, but I especially love how you incorporated it into your Christmas decor with this winter wonderland theme. It's beautiful! Oh, and Mudpie, the kitties here are also quite unhappy that they're having to wait a couple more days to open their Secret Santa Paws package. Isn't that just rude? Purrs and merry wishes!
