
Monday, March 11, 2019

For Luke #MewsicMovesMe

Today I'm breaking my own cardinal rule of featuring Conway in every Mewsic Moves Me post.

You've most certainly heard the news that last week actor Luke Perry passed away after suffering a massive stroke at the far too young age of 52. I was a teenage girl in the 90s at the height of his Beverly Hills 90210 fame but I was one of the few who didn't have a massive crush on him or ever even watch the show. 

No, I was introduced to him thanks to his role as rodeo legend Lane Frost in 1994's 8 Seconds. Not only did I adore the movie, its soundtrack was a huge deal in the country music world and it became one of my favorite albums at the time. I pulled it out a few days ago after not listening to it in years and still enjoyed it so much. Since it's a freebie week in the hop I thought it would be a good time to feature my two favorite songs from the soundtrack.

We hope you enjoyed our choices this week, and if you've never watched 8 Seconds, we highly recommend it!.


  1. Thank you for the introduction. They are so very pretty! I enjoyed them. Thanks for posting them... now I have to go back and listen again! ~yep, I really liked them!" Thanks!

  2. It was sure sad about Luke Perry, way, way too young. Darn good tunes though.

  3. Melissa,

    I never watched Beverly Hills 90210 and I thought I had not ever seen him in anything until I began reading over his movie credentials. There are at least three films he starred in that we saw but I can't remember his role in any of them. Anyway, it was awful to learn someone younger than me has passed but then it's not easy to hear about anyone's death. It most certainly causes you to question your own mortality. Thankfully, when my number in this life is called I know where I'll spend eternity and find peace. Thanks for sharing these two new-to-me tunes. Have a boogietastic week!

  4. Nice tribute. I’ve read nothing but good things about him.

  5. I never really saw Luke Perry in anything, but it really upset me to see that he had died. I was 50. just about the same age, when I had my stroke. His was either much worse than mine or he didn't have the advantage of being at the hospital within a half hour of having it like I did. Good tribute to him here.

  6. A nice tribute to him. Thanks for sharing.

  7. This is a lovely tribute to Luke Perry. Essentially the only thing I ever saw him in was 8 Seconds, but I thought he did wonderfully in that film.

  8. I never got the chance to watch the show, but I sure knew who he was. My shift work took me away from TV mostly.

  9. Nice tribute for Luke Perry. I never watched any of his shows, but it sounds like he was a genuinely nice guy.

  10. Whoa! We didn't include REM this week either. When we link to that live REM show, Karla is the hostess of the concern so there's a connection. Nope, never saw Luke Perry in anything but he was really young. Must younger than TW.

  11. Nice tribute to Luke Perry, an actor taken way too soon...Might have to check out 8 Seconds..that's if they let me into the theater. Tom x

  12. That was very sad news about Luke Perry. So young!

  13. Such a beautiful post, Mudpie, in honour of a fantastic actor. Granny has goosebumps, the music touched her heart <3 Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday πŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  14. Another talent gone too soon. I saw, last week, a rerun of a Saturday Night Live Luke Perry hosted - I enjoyed the Billy Dean song;both were new to me. Alana

  15. I was so sad about Luke's passing - way too soon, way too young. I was one of those who had a big crush on him, and watched every episode of 90210. But I have to admit, I loved watching him in 8 Seconds even more! Love your song choices, perfect tribute!
