
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Sock Singletons Help Shelter Animals On #LostSockMemorialDay

Meows from Mudpie!

We first bloggeed about this "holiday" a few years ago and it was a very popular post. Since we have new readers since then we thought it might be a good time to share again.


According to the National Day Calendar, May 9 is National Lock Sock Memorial Day. It's a day to clean out and repurpose all the sock "singletons" - the ones where their mates have been lost to the unknown.

But don't throw them away...your local shelter can use them and they can also be turned into fun craft projects! Here's a round-up of some of our favorite ideas:

Make a rice sock as a supplemental heat source for animals recovering from spay/neuter surgery

Baby booties can be used to keep paws warm while animals are under anesthesia and recovering

Make Catnip Kickers for shelter cat enrichment

Make a Sock Hat For Preemies using just the toe of an infant sock

Operation Happy Sock is an all-volunteer, nonprofit project that takes unwanted socks and turns them into catnip toys for homeless cats in animal shelters. Downloadable instructions for this fun project can be found here. Learn how to have a Happy Sock Production Party in your own community too!

Can you think of any other cat-related projects that can be done with socks?


  1. These are great ideas! My human has a few singletons here that could be put to good use.

  2. We didn't know about that sock thing, that's super cool and I'll go make some singletons in just a bit!

  3. What a cool idea! We'll have the mom look for some single socks. We know she has some.

  4. We use baby socks to stuff and make cat toys for the shelters.

  5. Grump. Wouldn't it be great if pet rescuers were focussed on finding out why cats & dogs are so much sicklier than they used to be (hint: since "Roundup" hit the market?) and fixing that, rather than obsessive-compulsively sterilizing pets? Still, it's nice to know of all these uses for socks. Thanks!

  6. I made toys out of my socks, when Angle and Chuck were kittens, then quickly realized that they thought ANY sock...on a foot or not...were toys, and I dismantled my toys quickly. But using them as pet warmers and outfits for kittens, makes all the sense in the world! I have a handful of singles; guess they are going to our local low cost spay/neuter clinic! Thanks for reposting this!

  7. Dad really liked the ideas and may stop by the thrift store for some used socks. He never gets singles what with the one leg and all. Hee Hee

  8. This is purrfect! Some sort of sock gremlin lives in my laundry machines, and so I have literally dozens of single socks. Now I know what to do with them!

  9. What a great and fun "day" to celebrate!

  10. Never knew of this till now. Love the concept. Going to start saving my single socks for this.
