
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mommy's answers:

1. I can't wait to sink my teeth into cranberry stuffing and pecan pie on Thanksgiving.

2. I will pass on sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving.

Mudpie's answers:

3. I wish Delectables Squeeze ups were served at holiday gatherings. I'm the rare kitty who doesn't like Thanksgiving turkey so I'll be asking for my favorite treat. Mommy says I need to join "squeezies anonymous."

4. I will always be thankful for my forever home and a family who worships me.


  1. Very cool art!
    We pass on sweet potatoes too.

  2. That's very wintery art, Mudpie! Funny enough, my human is with you on the sweet potatoes! Everyone else seems to like them but her.

  3. We love sweet potatoes here.

    Love your wintery artwork Mudpie, you look very nice in BLUE.

  4. O Mudpie! U look so sweet and sad. Do't be sad....think of that cranberry sauce!!!

  5. That's very cool art sweet Mudpie and we enjoyed your answers!

  6. The Hubby's roasted sweet potatoes are divine; wish you could try them!
    Mudpie, you look fab!

  7. OH what great wintery artwork Mudpie. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Very pretty art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I bet your mommy would let you have a squeezie for Thanksgiving. I will pass on the sweet potatoes too, I only like mine fried. Have a nice weekend! XO

  9. Your art looks very frosty, Mudpie. And if you like the Delectables, try the Churus. They are pawsome!!!

  10. Ooooooooooooooooooooo!
    Pawsome artwork :)
    We agree about the sweet potatoes. Mum loves them!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  11. Ready for winter, Mudpie?

    We like cranberry stuffing, too! :)

  12. Mudpie, your masterpiece has us thinking all things winter. And what fantastic fill-ins! Cranberry stuffing? I've always loved cranberries but have never really found a stuffing I enjoyed, but I bet this one would hit the spot for me. I've never met a cranberry I didn't like. Mudpie, none of the kitties here ever want a taste of the Thanksgiving turkey either. Pup Astrid always eats their shares. Purrs!

  13. We really like those squeeze ups too Mudpie. You look so cute
