
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mommy's answers:

1. I know spring is almost here when everything is covered in mud. People don't joke about "mud season" in Vermont for nothing...when the snow melts everything becomes brown, squishy, and downright gross. Our local news even asks people to send in mud season pictures and calls them "muddies"!!!

2. Calamari is the strangest thing I have ever eaten. My boss ordered it as an appetizer years ago at a Christmas party and I really enjoyed it. It was probably best I didn't know it was squid at the time.

Mudpie's answers:

3. I find humans confusing. For more reasons than I could ever list here.

4. I have a strong opinion on the proper treatment of cats. We are royalty and should be treated as such!


  1. Very cool art!

    And humans are confusing.

  2. Lovely effect, Mudpie.
    I tried calamari once and it made me think of eating rubber bands. Maybe it hadn't been cooked properly, but I have never tried it since.

  3. Lovely photo, Mudpie. I agree, humans are confusing!

  4. Beautiful art. Thank you both for these great fill-in answers. I agree that cats should be treated like royalty. We have mud in Mass., but nothing like all the mud Vermont gets. Have a nice weekend! XO

  5. Great answers and art!

    It's very muddy here in England because it's been raining for weeks!

  6. Neat kinda sepia negative effect. TW won't try calamari cos she knows what it is. She's funny that way.

  7. That art is cool, Mudpie! And we, too, find humans to be quite confusing.

  8. Mudpie you look so beautiful in your art!

  9. I just love when your art is in this color scheme, Mudpie. It goes purrfectly with your tortie colors. And you both have such fantastic fill-ins! I've never had calamari, probably because a vast majority of seafood dishes kind of freak me out. I've only had sushi once ever, made by a Korean friend's mother, and I tried to politely eat it while also hoping I never had to eat it again. Mudpie, your answers prove just how wise you are. Purrs!
