
Friday, June 26, 2020

Mudpie Has the Grumps #PetPhotoFails

Meows from Mudpie!

Many people are calling 2020 the worst year they can remember, and at our house June has been a nightmare month smack dab in the middle of the year from hell. Some of you have asked how my grandpa is doing, and we thank you so much for caring. His pacemaker went in on Tuesday and he came home on Wednesday. The surgery went well but at 83 he has some recovery time ahead of him. Mommy is doing her best to be a patient nurse, and I'm providing a bit of Mudpie magic too. Grandpa is pretty crazy about me so I think I'll be his best medicine. But...gasp...he can't lift over 10 pounds which means he can't pick me up!!!

Now more than ever we need the smiles that photo bloopers bring, and I have a couple doozies this month! Something gave me a serious case of the grumps when these blurry pictures were taken...but I can't remember what it was! Any ideas?


Those are my bloopers...let's see yours!

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  1. We agree! You do grumpy very well.
    We are happy that Grandpa is feeling better even if the recovery will be long. He will be strong enough to cuddle you soon Mudpie!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  2. You need a treat infusion and a cuddle from Grandpa!!

  3. I think we’re all feeling grumpy, Mudpie, but you’re still cute when you’re grumpy! Glad Grandpa is doing better. Give him lots of Mudpie love.

  4. Those are some pretty grumpy bloopers, Mudpie. We're sending purr to your grandpa that he makes a quick recovery.

  5. We're glad your grandpa is doing well. You scared us in that second photo.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. We pray things continue to improve for your grandpa/dad.

  7. Your photo fails are pretty darn cute sweet Mudpie! We're glad your Grandpa's implant went well and we hope all is better super soon.

  8. Mudpie, remind the patient to take is easy...I've heard of so many people trying to rush their recoveries and make things very bad for themselves!
    Purring for all, and has anyone ever compared you to Godzilla, Mudpie?
    No? Well, at least the second image reminds me...
    Thanks for hosting the hop!

  9. Lemme guess. No squeezies or too much TC. HAH! Great bloopers and sending healing purrz to your Gramps.

  10. We're so glad your grandpa is doing well, Mudpie! If he can't lift you but also needs to rest, that just means you'll have to hold him in place by sitting on his lap. And your bloopers are so purrfect! You may look a tad bit grumpy in them, but we think you also look downright adorable. Purrs!

  11. Mudpie, we are glad that your grandpa's surgery went well and he is back home recovering. If he can't lift you up, you can just hop into his lap for some cuddles. But not with those grumpy photos that you shared. Very scary!! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  12. I love your fails, Mudpie, you never fail.. ;) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞
    Ps we're glad everything turned out well for your Grandpaw💗🙏

  13. Those are two awesome blooper shots! Sending purrs to your grandpa!

  14. That second photo made us laught! We didn't know you weigh over 10 pounds! We though you were a tiny little thing!

  15. Oh, I hope the pacemaker makes everything better for your favorite kitty caressor! Healing hellos from Loulou and famille.

  16. I am glad your Grandpa is home and doing well. Great photo fails. Thanks for hosting. XO

  17. You're going to be the very best medicine for Grandpa. I'm glad he's home and I know you'll help mom wherever you can.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  18. Those are some good grumpy pics, Mudpie! We are glad your grandpa's surgery went well, and are purring for a smooth recovery. XO

  19. Those are lovely photo fails and we're sure they will make your grandpa smile!

    Sending healing purrs xx
