
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Mudpie Gets Even

Meows from Mudpie!

I need to ask you as politely as I possible can to PLEASE STOP ENCOURAGING MOMMY!!! Anytime we do a mewsic post and don't include Conway it inevitably gets pointed out to her and makes her all the more difficult to live with!

I'm just kidding. Mommy says all the time that me and Conway are the only things keeping her sane right now so I'm learning how to deal with it. Sort of.

A few weeks ago Mommy got a ginormous package in the mail filled with Conway goodies from a friend in the Nashville area who scours antique malls and record shops for her. She laid everything out to take a picture and I immediately went over to check stuff out and make sure I got in the shot.

I figure he's always photobombing me so why shouldn't I return the favor???

The RC Cola poster is a cardboard display ad straight from Twitty City! I think it would make a pawsome new scratch pad but I know if I did that I would be looking for a new home. Mommy told me it cost as much as my adoption fee! Now I must ask, which was the better deal?


  1. Wow, your human has some amazing Conway memorabilia!

  2. From this kitty's point of view: Definitely you!

    Cats beat cardboard every time.

  3. We'd take you every day of the week and twice on Sunday before the memorabilia, Mudpie. Either way, her love of you and Conway is proof of her exceptional taste!

  4. You got to photo-bomb Conway! :) You will always be the best deal Mommy ever made, though, Mudpie.

  5. That's quite the Conway collection! But Mudpie, you'll always be your mommy's favorite.

  6. What a pawsome package that was. We're sure your Mommy loved it but we know she loves you even more!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Mudpie, never give up the fight!
    It's you versus all of that stuff...but you are alive and furry, and he is NOT!

  8. Wow that is great that your mom has friend who searches for her! But of course, you are the better deal. Kitties are priceless.

  9. It is cool to have so many Conway goodies but you're still the best deal going sweet Mudpie!

  10. Of course, you belong in the photo, Mudpie! Aren't all photos supposed to be of you? My cats would say that all my photos require one of them. I'm glad that your mommy got a few items that she can really treasure. :)
    -purrs from your friends at

  11. MOL...we're glad to see Conway at the after pawty...and you too sweet Mudpie😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday🐾😽💞

  12. You were definitely the better deal.

  13. Mudpie, your mum is a BIG fan of Conway, but we know she loves you lots and lots. Besided, you can purr. The memorabilia can't ;)

    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  14. Wow, your mommy sure has lots of Conway memorabilia, Mudpie! Good job with the photobomb!

  15. You definitely.

    But ya might better stick to just photobombing Conway!
