
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Secret Paws 2020 Revealed

Meows from Mudpie!

The wait has been nearly unbearable but I *finally* get to tell you about my Secret Paws package which arrived more than a week before Christmas, but Mommy made me wait until Christmas evening to open it! She LIED to me and said maybe this year I could open it early, but then made an executive decision that it would be more fun to wait until Christmas. I bet many of you have been thinking I'm a spoiled rotten tortie who gets everything her little heart desires. Think again!

Okay, enough of my griping and on to the prezzies! I'm one lucky girl because my Secret Paws were Angel, Kirby and Max from A Wizard and an Angel, and they managed to fulfill my Christmas wish list to a tortie "T', starting with SQUEEZIES!!!

I had never had this flavor of Party Mix before so we opened the package right up and they are pawsitively YUMMY!

Look at all this loot for me and Mommy! I got more treats, pretty purple wicker and crinkle balls, a fun little caterpillar toy that zooms all over the floor, and Mommy got the cutest cat butt ornaments! (The tissue paper was pretty cool too...)

Obligatory "pose with everything before I'm allowed to play" shot...

Play ball! (These balls have been spotted all over the house since Christmas.)

Where did it go?

We want to thank Angel, Kirby, Max, and mom Nancy so very much for their purrfectly wonderful gifts. We couldn't have asked for a better Secret Paws!

Now would also be a good time to reveal that we sent our Secret Paws gifts to Buckwheat and Dixie. They wrote about their package here and we're so happy to see how much they enjoyed what we picked out.

Many thanks as well to Truffle and Brulee's mom Paula from Sweet Purrfections for organizing this wonderful event that makes many blogging kitties very, very happy.

Now I have a very important many days until Secret Paws 2021???


  1. What lovely Secret Paws gifts! They were our Secret Paws one year too, and it was awesome.

  2. Oh boy! Those are pawsome gifts Mudpie!!!
    All sorts of things you like!! Pawsome!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed all of your goodies sweet Mudpie!

  4. Nice haul of yummies for you, Mudpie!

  5. Look at that loot! And you got extra squeezies too! Enjoy sweet Mudpie.

  6. Whoa! You sure did get some nice presents, Mudpie. And SQUEEZIES! Woohoo!

  7. What a great Secret Paws package you got! Angel, Kirby and Max really know what a cat likes! You are one lucky cat!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb

  8. You got a lot of great goodies. I see you scored your favorites too. XO

  9. Oh those were great prezzies!! Guess what? We had Buckwheat and Dixie last year...that was Cody's last gifts he sent for Secret Paws xoxo

  10. Isnt Secret Paws just the Best Mudpie. Looks like you did super this year and that is wonderfur

  11. Wow these are the coolest and you have squeezies wooHOOO!

  12. Excellent Secret Paw gifts! We got squeezies too!
    The Florida Furkids

  13. Looks like you received some awesome presents from your Secret Paw! How fun!

  14. You got some cool presents, Mudpie! Tylan LOVES crinkle balls! He wants you to give it an extra whap for him. :)

  15. Those are wonderful presents ! Purrs

  16. Jackpot! We bet those squeeze-ups are calling your name, Mudpie. And that is Eddy's absolute favorite flavor of Party Mix, so she hopes you enjoy it as much as she does. Merry Christmas season to you!
