
Monday, January 11, 2021

Bait and Witch by Angela M. Sanders - Blog Tour with Excerpt and Giveaway

Librarian Josie Way moved to small-town Oregon to lay low. Instead, thanks to newfound magic abilities—and a killer on the loose—she’s leapt out of the frying pan and into a cauldron of trouble...

Josie Way loved working among the Library of Congress’s leather-scented stacks—until she uncovered corruption and made herself a target. As Wilfred, Oregon’s new librarian, Josie can stay undercover until the case goes to court. But life in this little town isn’t as subdued as she expected. The library, housed in a a Victorian mansion, is slated to be bulldozed. Still digesting the news that her safe haven is about to become scrap lumber, Josie discovers a body in the woods...

Almost as shocking, Josie learns that she’s descended from a long line of witches—and her powers have suddenly sprung to life. With help from a spoiled alley cat who just may be her familiar, Josie’s thumbing through a catalog of suspects, hoping she can conjure a way to save her library—and her life...


I dropped into the armchair. What a morning. My office door nudged open, and the black cat I’d seen last night slipped through. The tip of one ear was missing, and a pinkish scar shone through the black fur on its edge. He fixed me with eyes the color of rye whiskey.

“Hello, kitty.” I dropped a hand for him to smell. “Did I do wrong by answering that ad in the Library Gazette? I’m not needed here, but I can’t go home.”

The cat pawed at the bookshelf, pulling a flyer to the floor. I reached down to put it back and saw it was a schedule of the month’s events. The library hosted weekly classes in English as a second language. Probably helpful for the field workers. Thursdays were organ lessons—the library had an organ?—and once a month, the knitting club met in the conservatory. I’d just missed an afternoon tea with “Original poems by Wilfred resident Helen Garlington.” The library was a community center, it seemed.

I set the flyer on the desk.

“Okay, so they do need me—as an events coordinator, at the least. And they probably need help cataloguing and packing up the books for storage once the library is history. Then I’ll be homeless, like you.”

The cat pointed his head toward the kitchen, where two ceramic bowls on the floor caught my eyes. “Rodney” was painted on one. Apparently the cat belonged to the library.

“Funny little guy. I almost believe you understand me.”

The cat stretched, reaching out one paw then the other, and leapt onto the chair’s arm. He bumped my shoulder with his head.

In the past twelve hours, everything had changed. I’d fled across the country to a nonexistent town and taken a job in a library that would soon be bulldozed. I was dreaming again, remembering my childhood. And now I’d turned into Dr. Dolittle.

“What’s happening to me, Rodney?”

The cat, still purring, rolled to his back. On his lower belly where the fur was thin was a star-shaped birthmark, clear and dark and sharp. Just like mine.

About the author:

Angela M. Sanders writes the Amazon bestselling Joanna Hayworth Vintage Clothing Mysteries and The Booster Club Capers. Under the pen name Clover Tate, she’s the author of the Kite Shop Mysteries (Berkley), which Romantic Times praised for their “well written wit and intrigue.” Angela’s articles on food, personalities, and perfume have appeared in a variety of magazines, and her monthly newsletters have nearly 2,000 subscribers. She interacts with readers on Facebook and Instagram and is a prominent blogger for Now Smell This, which garners 1.5 million monthly page views. Angela has two cats—one of whom is black of course—a witch’s freckle in her left eye and learned to read tarot cards from a pagan priestess.

Author Links:






  1. Hmmmmm! Sounds like an interesting mystery :)
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Oh wow that looks like one for Amber, thanks ever so for sharing! Happy Monday xx

  3. This sounds very interesting, especially the matching birthmarks.

  4. i would love to get my hands on a copy of this book

  5. Sounds like a great new series. I enjoyed the synopsis of the book, can't wait to read.

  6. We think this will go on our list Mudpie thanks

  7. I've been looking for a fun and fantastical book to read. This sounds like the perfect one!

  8. That looks really good. Nice to see a review from you. XO

  9. This sounds interesting, Mom says she is coming back later to see if your link will work in Canada! Have a most wonderfully Happy Day

  10. This sounds like such a good book! Another one to put on Mommy's list!

  11. This sounds like a great read. The kitty seems like it knows something (or lots of somethings)! :)

  12. Title is very clever. Love the play on words!
