
Monday, February 15, 2021

15 Years Ago...

Leave it to me to use lyrics from a Conway song to memorialize a beloved cat, but 15 years ago and I still feel the same...

15 years ago today I lost a part of my heart when Sashi left for the Bridge. She was my first little girl, the first cat in my life that came from a shelter, and the first cat I adopted on my own as an adult. (She was a cat of many firsts for me, but she was also a last - the last cat I had that wasn't a tortie!)

She had been given up by her family at 9 years old. I was told many people thought she was beautiful but passed her by because of her age. Week after week I went past her cage at the PetSmart adoption center until I finally realized she was waiting for me. We were blessed to have 8 wonderful years together. Her passing in 2006 tore my heart into a million pieces. She was the first cat that was truly mine, and I felt like I had lost a child as she slipped away beside me on the couch after a lengthy illness.

That box was her favorite napping spot. I still have it.

Unlike my other ladycats, Sashi enjoyed playing dress up. She would let me put anything on her.

Her favorite treat was canned whipped cream. On birthdays we put a candle in it.

And nothing made her happier than a nice, warm blankie. She had a collection of cozy fleeces!

I have no doubt that Sashi was the first kitty waiting at the Bridge when Tara and Truffles arrived, and that they have a daily catnip klatch! I hope they all know how much they're still remembered and loved.


  1. Lots of purrs to you today as you remember Sashi.

  2. Awwwwww! What a sweet kitty.
    So good that you have those pictures.
    You also have lots of happy memories of that sweetie.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. What a special kitty Sashi was. Purrs as you remember her today.

  4. (((hugs))) She was beautiful.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Sashi was absolutely gorgeous. Hugs from all of us.

  6. What an absolutely beautiful memory! She seems like such a cutie and you were both so lucky to have each other!

  7. I had a cat like this too. My heart cat. I've had many, but there is always that one cat that is so embedded in your heart.

    Big healing hugs. ♥

  8. What a sweet little lady she was, no wonder she stole your heart away and how wonderful you had so many years together ~ it's good you have such lovely photos of her, I sadly have but one of my "first" (the days before digital) yet her memory is still with me.
    Sashi ~ Forever

  9. The hurt never goes away, but the intensity lessens over time. Your Sashi was a beautiful girl and I'm so glad she was able to spend her senior years with you where she was well loved and cared deeply for. Purrs for you today.

  10. Sashi was a both a beginning and an ending! What a beautiful cat with a beautiful soul! We send you whisker kisses, head-bonks, virtual hugs and strenght! Thank you for sharing Sashi.

  11. Sashi was beautiful. Sending you hugs as you remember her. XO

  12. I always love seeing and learning more about your sweet angels. How precious Sashi was and is. Purrs and prayers to you as you remember her.

  13. Sashi was beautiful, and sounds like such a special kitty. Thank you for loving her forever, Mom Melissa. Love and purrs as you remember your beloved angel.

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