
Friday, April 2, 2021

Fun Feline Finds: Scrub Mommy Special Edition Cat Shape

Meows from Mudpie!

Our Fun Feline Find pick of the week is something we haven't gotten our paws on yet.

We're not sure how recently they came out, but none of our grocery stores, drug stores, Walmart or Target have them. They're on Amazon but Mommy is trying to not order from them lately. They're on QVC in packs of 3 but we all know Mommy only wants one for her cat collection, she would never actually use it! We also see them available with free shipping on sites called Splashe and Pharmapacks but having never shopped there we don't know if they're legit. 

Have any of you been able to find one of these pink pussycat cuties in your local area?


  1. So what dad, ever the creative and thrifty one, would do is find a scrub pad that is not the typical green kind, mark a pattern and cut it out himself. You could actually do any shape at all. We haven't seen these before, and just our two cents- we'd be wary of some websites, especially those who'll ask for financial information.

  2. I haven’t seen them, either, Mudpie.

  3. OMC! Our mom must have that! She has to go on the hunt for one now.

  4. The mom says she's only seen the yellow ones that aren't cats. She'll have to look for this one!

  5. Mom will keep her eyes out...she wants one now too!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. I've not seen these yet, but they are ever so cute. I wouldn't use them either.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Mudpie. My best to your mom. ♥

  7. Cool, looks like we'll be shopping online soon!

  8. That's so cute! We will have to look for those now, too.

  9. My human hasn't seen these around either. Sadly, she does most of her shopping on Amazon. She can't help herself.

  10. Gee, those are cute!
    Not sure mum would see them in Canada :/
    They do look pawsome though!
    Purrs, Julie

  11. Whoa! That's scary except if TW thinks it looks like one of those jelly candies covered with sugar crystals. Yum!

  12. How could you scrub a cute kitty into a dirty pan. Only for the shelf

  13. I watch QVC ALL of the time and have NEVER seen the cat shaped ones!!!! Just buy the pack and save one and use the others!!! OMC I have to get those!

  14. This is too cute! I'm adding this to my list of items that I want for my kitty collection and which of course will never be used for its intended purpose.
