
Friday, April 30, 2021

Not a Morning Cat #PetPhotoFails

Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you for joining us for this month's edition of the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop! Can you believe tomorrow is the first day of May? Mommy is excited because it's Kentucky Derby day. 

After a couple weeks of warm spring temps things have cooled back down so we've been taking advantage of the extra cuddle time. Speaking of which...

Mommy snapped these very unbecoming photos of me early one morning right after we woke up. I was obviously still half asleep and looking rather irritated at the likely ungodly hour. By the second photo I'm going back to sleep and apparently Mommy was too because it's blurry! MOL!!!

Those are our bloopers...let's see yours!

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  1. We hope it "cools down" here, way too hot, so hot we can't cuddle!!! Mudpie, even when you're blurry and half-asleep you're a cutie pie ...

  2. Even your “fails” are cute, Mudpie. ;)

  3. Mudpied, Sweetie stands on all four paws on my chest, and meows in my face!
    I try to snap a photo, but it never works out; she's not still, and our faces are too close together.
    But, it works...I'm UP!

  4. I understand about blurry pics, Mudpie. The mom has a million of me! ~Ernie

  5. Epic foto fail Mudpie, sorry we furgot today was the last Friday - duh!

    But we'll enter the hop anyway with Melvyn's book picture as he wouldn't look at the camera! MOL

    Happy Friday, thanks for hosting and we hope mew have an epic weekend! XOX

    P.S. It's Smooch's 10th Birthday Pawty tomorrow if mew want to come.

  6. Our purrsons do have a knack of taking "poor"" quality pictures of us :/
    Mum has more than enough photo fails. All her fault, not mine ;
    Pop over and see.
    You know, even with a blurry pic we can still see how pretty you are :)
    Purrs, Julie

  7. We've already got the HOTS here! We think Moms should know better than to disturb our naps.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Yep! We hear you with not morning people. TW has to get up early on Friday for treatment and she hates it.

  9. I'm not a morning person either. I don't think these are fails though.l You're to cute for any fails.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  10. You are cute no matter what sweet Mudpie!

  11. I'm not a morning kitty either! Sometimes I stay in bed for a while after my human gets up!

  12. Those are way too cute to be bloopers. Thank you for hosting. I will link up tomorrow. XO

  13. Mudpie if you saw all the bloopers Mom takes it would fill a book, I wish she would remember to include us in this blog hop. But, she's been going through some rough seas, so I have to give her some slack and it explains why she can't remember anything anymore.

  14. You really look tired Mudpie just like we all do in the morning. Excepting Rumpy who wants to eat breakfast, that boy is hungry all the time

  15. Hey, we love that one-eyed furtive look! Very mysterious. Goes with your coloring!

  16. Mudpie! Your fails would NOT be fails here! Our Mom is a horrible photographer...but we will keep her anyway! We hope you have a marvellously happy day!

  17. I am not a morning person either so I do understand, Mudpie. even your fails are cute though.

  18. Blooper or not, Mudpie, you never fail to be downright adorable!
