
Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021 #MewsicMovesMe


"We can never replace them. We can never repay them. But we can always remember. And today, that is what we are doing — we remember. Words cannot wipe away the tears or bring back those smiling faces. But if Americans just take the time to look into your eyes and tell you how much we thank you and how dearly we pray for you and how truly we love you, then hopefully you can find solace through your pain. And every time you see the sun rise over this blessed land please know your brave sons and daughters pushed away the night and delivered for us all that great and glorious dawn."

~ President Donald J. Trump, 5/29/17

It's a freebie week for the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop so we decided to share our favorite Memorial Day themed songs...

We hope you enjoyed our choices this week!
Please let us know if you have a favorite.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I wish sewing were as easy as it looks. It's just a needle and thread, right? But I can't do it.

2. My plans this weekend include naps and more naps. At least that's what I'm hoping.

3. It's hard to believe that Mudpie has been with me for nearly 6 years already. That little girl has enriched my life more than words could ever say.

4. I need coffee in the morning in order to function. Lately more than ever!

Friday, May 28, 2021

May CatLadyBox #PetPhotoFails

Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you for joining us for this month's edition of the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop! It's been a rough week as my beloved grandma had to go to the hospital on Tuesday night. I miss her cuddles SO much when she's not around. She's back home now but still has lots of diagnostic tests ahead of her so please send purrs!

Today's fails were taken when Mommy was trying to take her monthly CatLadyBox photos. She had everything laid out purrfectly in the box...when I hopped in. Uncomfortable as it sounds, I delayed her project by curling up on top of everything for nearly 2 hours! Mommy was a tad perturbed with me because I even managed to put a nice bend in the photo card. (Hey Mommy, whose box is it, anyway???) I obviously wasn't in the mood to pose either.

I'm not in this last picture so you'll have to take my word on what happened. Mommy got yet another package in the mail, a small priority box. The inside flap was ultra sticky and she had a hard time getting it open, then tossed it aside to look at her goodies. I came in the room, walked over the box...and got stuck! TWICE my paw got stuck in that sticky tape residue! Mommy couldn't stop laughing. She joked that she found the perfect cat trap! I wasn't the least bit amused by the situation.

Those are our bloopers...let's see yours! 

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Four Cuts Too Many by Debra H. Goldstein - Blog Tour with Character Guest Post and Giveaway

When it comes to murder, there's no need to mince words . . .

Sarah Blair gets an education in slicing and dicing when someone in culinary school serves up a main corpse in Wheaton, Alabama...

Between working as a law firm receptionist, reluctantly pitching in as co-owner of her twin sister's restaurant, and caretaking for her regal Siamese RahRah and rescue dog Fluffy, Sarah has no time to enjoy life's finer things. Divorced and sort-of dating, she's considering going back to school. But as a somewhat competent sleuth, Sarah's more suited for criminal justice than learning how many ways she can burn a meal.

Although she wouldn't mind learning some knife skills from her sous chef, Grace Winston. An adjunct instructor who teaches cutlery expertise in cooking college, Grace is considering accepting an executive chef's position offered by Jane Clark, Sarah's business rival--and her late ex-husband's lover. But Grace's future lands in hot water when the school's director is found dead with one of her knives in his back. To clear her friend's name, Sarah must sharpen her own skills at uncovering an elusive killer...

It’s a Dog’s Life, but Sometimes I Wish it Were a Cat’s 
by Fluffy (and Debra H. Goldstein)

I have nothing to complain about. Last year, George Rogers rescued me from the streets, where I was running and hiding scared of everything and everyone. Realizing how traumatized I was, he cleaned me up and loved on me. He’d take me on my leash everywhere, proudly introducing me as his little fluff ball. That’s why he named me Fluffy. I’d bark and he’d smile even more.

I was happy living with George until he was badly hurt and had to go to the hospital, rehab, and a senior citizen home that doesn’t permit pets. Luckily for me, his friend, Maybelle Johnson, took it upon herself to have her daughter, Sarah Blair, take me into her home. Sarah treats me very well. Like George, she constantly pets me, keeps me clean, and feeds me healthy food. Sarah also makes sure George comes over to visit me periodically. What more could I ask?

This isn’t sour grapes, but sometimes I’d like to be living the life of Sarah’s Siamese cat, RahRah. I adore RahRah, but make no mistake about it, he is living the proverbially “life of Reilly.” Sarah doesn’t seem to know it, but he rules the house. He’s got his favorite spots to stretch out and catch sun rays, he knows exactly how to rub her leg and purr for extra treats, and if he does something that is a definite no-no, like walking across the bar using his tail to make the hanging glasses tinkle, she picks him up and hugs him.

When I got here, RahRah made it clear from day one that he is the alpha animal in this house. RahRah plays with me, but if he decides he’s had enough, that’s it. I could challenge him, but I don’t want to. I adore him. RahRah never interferes with my bed or with Sarah petting me nor does he seem to mind when she takes me for long walks or uses me as a decoy in her sleuthing. The one time I was sick, he kept checking on me. I do like his place in the kitchen, but if the worst thing about living with RahRah is having to move from his spot on the linoleum when he wants it, I guess I can handle that. It’s nice to be in a home where I’m wanted and loved.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, May 24, 2021

Mutts Monday

Meows from Mudpie!

Today Mommy wanted me to show the special thank you gift she received for writing for the Jackson Galaxy Project's Cat Pawsitive Pro autographed print from Mutts creator Patrick McDonnell!

It was the purrfect gift because we're huge Mutts fans, especially the Shelter Stories series. Mommy even has Mooch (with his little pink sock) and Earl dolls!

Mommy turned in her final article for the semester on Friday and is kind of sad that it's over, but very honored to have the opportunity to work with people who are making such a huge difference in the lives of cats. 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. Lately, I've been feeling completely overwhelmed.

2. I find American history fascinating. Just about any moment in our history is better than how things are going now.

3. If I had known Mudpie would love squeezies so much, I would have started buying them for her sooner. She's so picky I don't bother picking up new things at the store for her when I see them, and I wonder how much else is out there she might be missing out on!

4. I can't help but bite my nails when I'm nervous. It's a terrible habit I wish I could break.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Pizza Pawty at Mudpie's! (BYOB - Bring Your Own Box!)

Meows from Mudpie!

Earlier this week Mommy brought home a pizza while out running errands. Once she'd had her fill and put away the leftovers she wondered if she could get me to sit on the box for a picture or two in honor of National Pizza Party Day today.

She didn't even have to ask twice. I climbed on board immediately, and she might be regretting her decision because now I don't want to let the box go! I've even napped on top of it for the last three evenings! (After all, we have no cat beds in the house.)

So now we have an empty pizza box sitting in the middle of our kitchen floor. Come on over if you'd like to attend my pizza pawty, but BYOB (Bring Your Own Box)! This one is all mine.

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pillow Pals

Meows from Mudpie!

Do your kitties like something under their heads to use as a pillow while they're sleeping?

I do, and it never fails to make Mommy swoon. When we're in bed I always have my front half draped over her chest or legs. When I'm snuggled with our stuffies I position my head and shoulders on top of them. Sometimes on the bed I even sleep with my body on the bed and my head on the pillow, just like a little person! (Only much, much better!!!)

On this particular day I fell asleep while playing, and made sure I had some soft toys under my head to act as a pillow.

Let the swooning commence...

Monday, May 17, 2021

May Retro Country Rewind (Part 2) #MewsicMovesMe

It's been a couple years since we premiered our mewsic feature "Retro Country Rewind," a look back at favorite songs that hit #1 during that month from 30, 35, 40 plus years ago. This year we're delving into #1 hits from 1971, 1976, 1981, and so on. Let's take a look at part 2 of our May selections (since we found too many great songs for just one post) for this freebie week in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop...

40 Years Ago - 1981, Rest Your Love On Me, Conway Twitty

Read more about its history in my Crazy In Love With Conway blog post HERE!

35 Years Ago - 1986, Grandpa (Tell Me 'Bout the Good Old Days), The Judds

35 Years Ago - 1986, Once In A Blue Moon, Earl Thomas Conley

35 Years Ago - 1986, Whoever's In New England, Reba

We hope you enjoyed our picks this week!
Let us know if you have a favorite!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sunbath Interrupted #SundaySelfie

We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop! 

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I would like to be more patient and less high strung.

2. The color of my Jeep is black. I really wanted charcoal but it wasn't available at the time.

3. Adopting Mudpie just a month after losing Truffles was a difficult choice for me to make. I haven't regretted that decision for a single second though. Some things are just meant to be.

4. I never have trouble finding things to stress me out.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Remembering Bear

Meows from a broken-hearted Mudpie...

Our love began a few years ago when he sang about his love for torties to the tune of Three Times a Lady, not knowing it was one of Mommy's favorite Conway songs...

Then just this past Valentine's Day he serenaded me with yet another Conway song, making both Mommy and I pawsitively swoon...

My beloved Bear ran off to the Rainbow Bridge on Mother's Day, safely cradled in his Momma's arms one last time. Now it's my turn to express my love in song...

Song Credit: The Rose by Conway Twitty

Bear, Mommy and I will miss you so, so much. You will always have an extra special place in our hearts. You left your Momma with enough love and memories to last her a lifetime, yet I wish there was something we could do to ease her pain.

Oh, and Bear? I just know you're chasing torties up there in Heaven. If you run into my big sisters Tara and Truffles, please let them know I'm taking good care of Mommy. But don't forget that I'm your best girl, okay?


Note from Mommy: After leaving our condolences on their blog, Momma Kat responded with a comment that brought tears to my eyes, "I imagine he might be surrounded by torties on the other side - but they won't compare to Mudpie - and she better live a nice and long life - until they meet again. Some things are worth waiting for."

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

For the Love of Squeezies: A Limerick by Mudpie

Meows from Mudpie!

Today is National Limerick Day, a day that celebrates the silly little poem on it's originator Edward Lear's birthday. I decided to write a limerick of my own, inspired by my beloved squeezies...what else?!?!?!

There once was a tortie named Mudpie 

Whose love for squeezies was big as the sky

Her mom was so mean

Each portion too lean

Sometimes she just wants to cry

Monday, May 10, 2021

May Retro Country Rewind (Part 1) #MewsicMovesMe

It's been a couple years since we premiered our mewsic feature "Retro Country Rewind," a look back at favorite songs that hit #1 during that month from 30, 35, 40 plus years ago. This year we're delving into #1 hits from 1971, 1976, 1981, and so on. Let's take a look at part 1 of our May selections (since we found too many great songs for just one post) for this freebie week in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop...

50 Years Ago - 1971, How Much More Can She Stand, Conway Twitty

One of my top 10, maybe even top 5, favorite Conway songs. 
Read more about its history in my Crazy In Love With Conway blog post HERE!

50 Years Ago - 1971, I Won't Mention It Again, Ray Price

45 Years Ago - 1976, After All the Good Is Gone, Conway Twitty

40 Years Ago - 1981, I Loved 'Em Every One, T.G. Sheppard

40 Years Ago - 1981, Seven Year Ache, Rosanne Cash

We hope you enjoyed our picks this week!
Let us know if you have a favorite!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mother's Day #CaturdayArt #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

Since I'd like to have a little extra quality time with Mommy for Mother's Day, I asked her if we could do just one blog post this weekend, combining our Caturday Art project with my Mother's Day message/Sunday Selfie.

Happy Mother's Day to all the pawsome cat moms out there!!!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mudpie's answers:

1. My day is not complete until I eat a squeezie or two.

2. I simply refuse to accept wet food as part of my diet.

Mommy's answers:

3. It is time to start thinking about mowing the lawn. So much rain the past couple weeks has really made it grow.

4. Getting older (and lazier, and more tired) made me change my mind about getting a dog. I love them, I just wouldn't have the energy to take them out for multiple walks each day. Give me a nap on the couch with a cat any day!

Friday, May 7, 2021

Unboxing April's CatLadyBox

 The theme of April's CatLadyBox was Neon's what was inside!

Featured Cat Lady Artist: Melanie Schultz, whose Persian Gimli inspired the painting on the card.

Neon Cat Umbrella: After a really dry early spring I've been using my new umbrella daily for the past couple weeks. It's a cheerful ray of sunshine on dreary days. The pink carrying case is the icing on the cake!

Neon MEOW Shirt: This shirt just SCREAMS cat lover!

Neon Cat Zipper Pouch: I'm always finding little things to tuck into zipper pouches for safe keeping, and anything pink with a black cat on it just makes me happy. 

Rod the Lightning Catnip Toy: Mudpie had her claws into this toy the minute it came out of the box!

Totally Tubular Neon Wand Toy: Mudpie loves adding to her wand toy collection and I love the multi-color animal print pattern.

Not a subscriber yet? Visit CatLadyBox today!

Interested in purchasing individual items from past boxes? You can do that too!

Disclosure: I receive a discount on my CatLadyBox subscription as a thank you for my monthly review. Regardless of compensation received, we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

A New Blog...and Another Photobomb

Meows from Mudpie!

Several weeks ago Mommy hinted that she was thinking about starting a second blog, and the time has come.

Crazy In Love With Conway, a blog celebrating all things Conway Twitty, made its debut on Friday. 

She got the idea while watching an episode of Strange Inheritance showcasing a man who writes a blog about Harry Houdini, Wild About Harry. She thought, "Well I'm crazy about Conway,  so why not?" The blog title was inspired by Conway's 1990 hit single Crazy In Love.

Personally, I say it's about time the guy got a blog of his own since he's constantly making guest appearances on mine!

My selfie was taken this week while I was checking out Mommy's new clock. She had just told me that she loves Conway the same way I love squeezies. Now that's crazy!

Since we're also including this post in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop on Monday, here's Conway with Crazy In Love, his first music video and last song to hit #1 on a national chart...

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Old Fashioned Mudpie #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs...

1. I wouldn't mind if we had a cooler than normal summer.

2. I want to calm my nerves.

3. Others come to me when they need cat sitting services.

4. The day I brought home each of my beloved fur babies is a memory that I regularly think about.