
Friday, May 21, 2021

Pizza Pawty at Mudpie's! (BYOB - Bring Your Own Box!)

Meows from Mudpie!

Earlier this week Mommy brought home a pizza while out running errands. Once she'd had her fill and put away the leftovers she wondered if she could get me to sit on the box for a picture or two in honor of National Pizza Party Day today.

She didn't even have to ask twice. I climbed on board immediately, and she might be regretting her decision because now I don't want to let the box go! I've even napped on top of it for the last three evenings! (After all, we have no cat beds in the house.)

So now we have an empty pizza box sitting in the middle of our kitchen floor. Come on over if you'd like to attend my pizza pawty, but BYOB (Bring Your Own Box)! This one is all mine.

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).


  1. MOL! I've never gotten to lie on a pizza box. My human props them on their side until she puts them in the trash. I feel like I've been cheated!

  2. When you get a box you like you have to take good care of it so it doesn't suddenly disappear.

  3. Ooooooooooooooooo! That is a nice box and I bet it smells wonderful too ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. I hope the pizza was eaten before you sat on that box, Mupdie. :)

  5. Now I'm hungry for pizza. I do love how you took over that box. Good for you, Mudpie.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best too your mom. ♥

  6. Mudpie we really love Pizza boxes too. They are great to lay on as there is plenty of room

  7. That pizza box looks like a perfect fit, Mudpie, and you look adorable lounging on it!

  8. My cats feel like they're missing out. They've never once sat on a piza box (and we get plenty of them...).

  9. That's a purrfect smell good resting spot sweet Mudpie!

  10. My cats love to sit on pizza boxes- especially when they have pizza in them and are warm. :) XO

  11. That sounds great to us!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. If it fits, we sits! You look purrfect on your pizza box!

  13. PIZZA PAWTY!!! I like my pizza boxes full of piping hot pizza. HAH! BTW, your human axed for it and she got it! Good job!

  14. I've never laid on a pizza box before. Maybe you would let me squeeze in and join you? Can't imagine how wonderful it must smell!
