
Thursday, September 23, 2021

It's Time To #SeeTheLight About Senior Pet Adoption #RememberMeThursday

I'm incredibly proud to live in a state (Vermont) that for the most part adopts out animals so quickly we're able to partner with shelters down south to save even more lives - but as a nation we still have a long, long way to go. The sad truth is, for over a million healthy, adoptable animals each year, help never comes. Thanks to awareness that number has consistently decreased in the last decade, but just one animal dying alone, forgotten in a shelter, is one too many.

That's why animal-lovers and animal welfare organizations across the globe will unite today with a Remember Me Thursday pet candle-lighting ceremony. The candles, which will be lit on the exact same day across the world, will honor the millions of pets who lost their lives without the benefit of a loving home and shine a light on the millions of healthy pets who are still awaiting adoption. The Remember Me Thursday global awareness campaign encourages individuals to light a candle this day (literally or virtually) and to opt to adopt, reducing the millions of orphan pets euthanized each year.

This year I'm shining a light on all the senior animals waiting in shelters for their forever homes, and those who tragically ran out of time. 

Anyone actively involved with rescue knows how challenging it can be to find homes for older animals. Animals are just like people - age is just a number - and regardless of their age we have absolutely no control over how long we're going to have with them, so why do we allow so many amazing animals with so much love to give sit unloved and unwanted in shelters? I can tell you from personal experience that adopting a senior pet is an incredibly rewarding experience. My angels Sashi and Tara were 9 and 7 when I adopted them. They both sat overlooked in the shelter for far too long because of their age. Everyone else's loss was my gain because the years of love they gave me left memories that will last a lifetime.

Since this is a cat blog we put together a list of just 6 purr-fect reasons to adopt a senior kitty at your local shelter, but these same reasons hold true for dogs, rabbits, and pocket pets too!

They require less training.

The most obvious benefit of adopting an older cat is that they require less training than they would at a younger age. Chances are, they’re already house-trained and know how to do basic things such as use a litter box and scratching post. Because they don’t need as much training, your senior cat will be much easier to handle than a younger one.

They aren't as needy.

If you’ve got a kitten, you’re probably smitten with your little bundle of joy. But while they are cute balls of energy, bear in mind that you might have to spend a lot of time tending to their heightened activity levels, both during the daylight hours and when you’re trying to sleep! Extra time is also required to ensure a kitten is proper socialized. An older cat can safely be left home alone during the day while you’re at work, relishing their privacy until their human staff returns.

They’re great companions.

Another benefit of adopting an older cat is that they make perfect companions for all ages. They tend to have a calmer temperament which makes them great around young children. Because they don’t have a demanding exercise regime and would love to curl up on your lap, they’re true feline friends – particularly for elderly people. If you have other pets in the home an older cat is likely to settle in better than a feisty kitten that may end up getting on the other animals’ nerves.

They still love to play.

Just because an older kitty is less rambunctious doesn’t mean you can't still have fun with them! Try out more low-key toys such as catnip mice or feather toys they can swat at. Once you figure out the kinds of toys your cat prefers you might be surprised how much they still love to play!

You know what you’re getting.

Every home has specific requirements for a new pet. For this reason, adopting a senior cat may be more beneficial as you know what you’re getting. By adopting a kitten, you can’t predict how big the cat will grow, the temperament that they’ll have or how they will react to your day-to-day routines.

You become a hero.
Since older cats are among the hardest to find homes for, when you adopt one you are truly saving a life. They know they've been rescued too, and they show their love and gratitude every single day resulting in a bond like no other.

Shelters are full of animals who are in need of a second chance. They are homeless due to no fault of their own. If you have room in your heart and your home for a new best friend, one is as close as your nearest shelter. If you're not in a position to adopt right now, share some of their stories on social media. They are counting on us...let's not let them down.

Orphaned pets can't speak for themselves. We are their only voice. Spread the word about Remember Me Thursday on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media channels. Don’t forget to use the official hashtags - #RememberMeThursday, #SeeTheLight, #Light4Pets, #LightForPets - and to share your thoughts and feelings about the importance of pet adoption.

CONTEST: Win life-saving funds or food for a rescue or shelter of your choice! Take a photo of your rescue pet and tag the picture with #RememberMeThursday and #SeetheLight on social media to be entered into the challenge!

Mudpie and I would like to thank the Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) for the pawsome blogger kit they sent filled with swag for both of us. We will be using everything with pride!


  1. Such a pawsome post!
    Cats, and other animals, deserve to live their lives and it is the responsibility of humans to see that they are treated well. At least that is the way it should be!
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Well done, Melissa! My pets have always been rescues. My sweet Hope came from a kill shelter and I’m so glad I rescued her.

  3. We sure like seeing you and Mom hopping on board this exciting day to help cats in need. Elders especially need support and Dad has a call out for a 12 year old kitty now. We hope to soon have a new friend here at the Tomcat Home

  4. I'm so glad you brought attention to the senior pets! I absolutely adore the seniors, they are some of the sweetest kitties! We have taken in older abandoned cats from the street . . . although they tore up our hearts when they left us for the Bridge after times that were too short, I'd take an older cat again.

  5. Senior Cats rock! We love our senior cats and pray that all get a furever home and live happily ever after. Thanks for the work you do and the awareness you raise, it is so very important.

  6. Yes, seniors make awesome pets, too! Thank you for shining a light today and hopping with us, friends!

  7. Harley appreciates this post, Mudpie! He was a senior when we adopted him.

  8. Great post! We hope all senior cats find their forever homes.

  9. They are all that and more and they deserve the very best forever homes.

    Have a fabulous day, Mudpie. My best to your mom. ♥

  10. Such a beautiful post. Adoptions are just the best for each and every species and we hope it’s the next big thing.

  11. Beautiful post. Thank you shedding the light on older kitties in need. XO

  12. Excellent post! Senior cats need love too. Rescue is our favorite breed.

  13. I couldn’t agree with you more. Seniors are often overlooked in shelters.

  14. Wonderful post, Melissa and Mudpie. You are so right that there are lots of amazing senior cats waiting to find their forever homes. They just need a chance. Almost all of our cats have been older (7-13) when we adopted them. We would not change that for the world.
