
Friday, December 17, 2021

Festive Feline Friday Flashback: Wrap Me Up!

Meows from Mudpie! 

Mommy and I had forgotten about this picture she took a couple years ago. At the time she thought I was trying to "help" wrap prezzies, but after we posted the picture many of you said that I looked like I was waiting to be wrapped myself, and with the purrfect placement of my cute little butt smack dab in the center of the paper you were absolutely right! 

The question is...who's the lucky recipient of this extra special package??? I don't think Mommy would send me to just anyone!

On another note, would you believe Mommy hasn't done ANY wrapping yet other than our Secret Paws gifts? Looks like I might have to do everything myself this year...

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).


  1. I walk on the wrapping paper, but I won't sit still to be wrapped! A rare time I'm uncooperative.

  2. Nope, your mum will not send you to just anyone.
    I think she will keep you ;)
    She might let you help with wrapping though ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Hey Tortie sis, I say you'd make the purrfect gift, wrapped or not! Dad's in the same boat as far as the wrapping thing. Their colds have thrown off everything, so now dad, especailly, has to hustle. I suppose I could offer my services, but whatever. Have a fabulous weekend, dear Mudpie!!

  4. You would make a purr-fect present, Mudpie! Mommy will get those prezzies wrapped with a little help from you.

  5. Mommy would never send you to anyone. She loves you to much for that. You're such a cutie pie.

    I have one gift to wrap and I'll do that today. I'll be all done with Christmas when we visit our granddaughter and our great grands tomorrow.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to Mudpie. ♥

  6. You would make the perfect gift, but there is no way that your mom would part with you.

  7. Ah, to be young and do crazy things like this. I used to but now I sleep through the wrapping process. The only wrapping done around here has been Secret Paws. TW told Pop depending on how this new chemo treats her will tell whether prezzies get wrapped this year.

  8. You are a very special gift sweet Mudpie!

  9. Your mom would send that special present to herself!

  10. You would certainly make a pretty package, but we know you wouldn't be sent anywhere at all as you're already your Mom's best gift!
