
Friday, June 24, 2022

Forgetful Mommy #PetPhotoFails

Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you for joining us for this month's edition of the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!

This time around I have a great big Mommy FAIL for you...

Last month Ann from the Zoolatry blog, and graphic designer for The Cat Blogosphere, emailed us to ask permission to use my image in a special graphic for National Selfie Day on June 21. We were super excited and honored and couldn't say yes fast enough.

June 21st was Tuesday. Did we post an extra selfie that day? Nope. Did we post the graphic? Nope again.

Mommy's scrambled brain forgot all about it until she saw my precious little face on many of our friends' blogs on Tuesday.

Today is also Cat World Domination Day, a day for us kitties to celebrate our world domination! Sometimes I feel like I'm falling short at dominating my little corner of the world though when I can't even keep my lone staff member in line no matter how much I pay her. (No money changes paws - I pay her in kisses and cuddles.)

That's Mommy's fail for this month...let's see yours!

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  1. Your mom rocks and she got it done. We love your mom and you.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. Of course you're featured, Mudpie. You're just so adorable!

  3. We love that badge, you're adorable sweet Mudpie!

  4. Sometimes Moms can be forgetful. We have to forgive them because they have thumbs and buy squeezies.

  5. You are so darn cute Miss Mudpie. XO

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Mudpie, I feel your pain!
    Mum and I are at Auntie's place and
    I am trying to get used to new surroundings.
    As a result of all the change and adventure, mum forgets stuff!
    I purr things settle down soon and mum gets organized.
    The biggest bonus is that www are together all the time :)
    Purrs, Julie

  8. That’s okay, Mudpie. We love your beautiful face, whether on selfie day or any other.

  9. A cute picture of you, Mudpie, any day we see it! The cats here highly approve of Cat World Domination Day!

  10. Mudpie, we are ALWAYS happy to see you! You look marvellous darling!
    Purrs Marv

  11. Mudpie, we love to join in and we're always late MOL the P.A. thought Tuesday was Thursday this week, LIKE WHAT THE FLUFF!!!!! Anyhoo it's always epic to visit your pawesome blog!

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  13. I always forget Straw Hat day. Every year. And guess who has a collection of straw hats? You guessed it * Sigh *

    I sympathise with mum forgetting, and I do think your portrait in the selfie graphic is a cute one!

  14. Hold back on those cuddles unless she shapes up or gives you extra squeezies.
