
Saturday, September 10, 2022

London Calling #CaturdayArt

Meows from Mudpie! 

Like the rest of the world, our hearts are in England right now. Mommy is a total anglophile - she has a closet full of books about the Royal Family - and she just can't believe the Queen passed away on her birthday :( 

We can't even imagine how amazing it would be to travel to London for the funeral, or for the Coronation next year, but we'll just have to content ourselves with watching history unfold on our TV screen, and in my artwork this week...

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop! 

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. A pleasant memory that I have from grade school is my 3rd grade teacher telling me I was an excellent writer.

2. My plans this month include doing some fall cleaning before decorating for Halloween & Christmas.

3. Please don't ask me to choose between my cat and anything else.

4. In the coming years, I see myself always having at least one cat.


  1. Mudpie, you would have an amazing trip on one of those big red London buses. We are saddened by the news too because every time we lose a good person this world is in worse shape. Lynn says she would never go without me, Precious, and if anything happened to me she would be glad to go back to the orphanage and save another kitty.

  2. Mum and I were sad to hear of the queen's passing too.
    What a remarkable life she had! She was amazing.
    I really like your pic in the bus shelter!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  3. I hope your mom had a wonderful Birthday anyway, sweet Mudpie🎉 Your artwork is super duper😺Pawkisses from Heaven from me and the little Peachy and Stippie try to send one too🙈🐾😽✨

  4. you look great on a bus shelter! We were also sad to hear of her passing1

  5. Mudpie, how wonderful of you to transport yourself to London to join the British in mourning their unfathomable loss. I am an Anglophile as well. We mostly watch British TV and films. Apparently, I am a registered United Empire Loyalist, according to my brother who did the family history. The Queen was coronated the year I was born. Being Canadian, her image is on all of our currency. I've never known anything else. I stand behind King Charles III and wish him success.

    Your art is very appropriate this week. Thank you.

  6. That's some very effective advertising, Mudpie. We would totally stop and check out your bus stop poster!

  7. That is lovely and appropriate art in honour of our Queen. She is a huge loss not just to our country but all those who loved her throughout the world.

  8. You look terrific sweet Mudpie, love your art. We'll have to watch all the Royal things on the TV too. Good fill-in answers!

  9. You are such a beauty Miss Mudpie- I love your art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am with you on #3. And how nice your wonderful writing was recognized at such a young age. XO

  10. Such lovely art, Mudpie. Yes, Mummy was also saddened by the news that HM The Queen has crossed her Bridge. It seems absolutely surreal, She says (having been born and bred in London). She always thought the Queen would be around for effur.

  11. Seems as if most people I know are more anglophiles than I am...maybe being married to a British-born legal immigrant got it out of my system, in a pleasant way.

    The meme:

    1. A pleasant memory that I have from grade school is smuggling my lunchbag into the library to discover books like "Wrinkle in Time" and "So Dear to My Heart."

    2. My plans this month include getting 12% caught up on ONE of the web sites where I've fallen behind.

    3. Please don't ask me to choose between reading and writing--though real life always does that....sigh...

    4. In the coming years, I see myself always having at least one cat. There is no way of life here without them!
