
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Christmas Stitching #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I have a tough time choosing a gift for my dad. He's so hard to buy for because he always says he doesn't need anything. 

2. I can’t wait to see mom open the Gone with the Wind collectibles from me.

3. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas. Living in Vermont you would think snow for Christmas would be a given, but that's not the case at all.

4. If my holiday season were a book or movie, it would be titled The Nightmare Before Christmas. As I type this dad is in the hospital again, and after he spent the entire holiday season in the hospital last year with very similar symptoms, I've been having some scary flashbacks. Plus the plumbing issues I was hoping to wait and deal with after the holidays reared their ugly head again this week.


  1. Well it certainly doesn't sound like a good number four and I certainly hope that your dad gets home very soon. That'll make your holiday even better than the snow will. I always enjoyed watching Gone With the Wind and have seen it I have dozen times. Wondering about your Collectibles and maybe you'll be able to post a photo of them later.

  2. I hope your dad is soon feeling better and able to spend Christmas at home.
    The collectibles sound like a lovely present. Lovely needlepoint of you, Mudpie.

  3. Mudpie, you make a very pretty cross-stitch. I hope Grandpa is feeling much better soon and Mommy is able to get something done with the plumbing issues.

  4. Lovely needlepoint pic of you Mudpie!
    Purrs the plumbing will not be a huge expense to fix!
    Mum and I are sending lots of prayers and purrs for your mum's Dad.
    Purrs, Julie

  5. We are purring and praying for your dad, Melissa, and hope he is home in time for Christmas. Mudpie, you sure do make a pretty cross stitch!

  6. Beautiful art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I am sorry your dad is in the hospital again. I will be praying for him. I thought of your plumbing issues when under my kitchen sink was flooded twice this week. XO

  7. That is so darn pretty sweet Mudpie. I'm sorry your Dad is having those challenges and we're all sending prayers, and hugs too.

  8. Mudpie, you always come up with the most unique way to display your 'puss'. Let's face it, not only are you very attractive, but you are one smart cookie, too.

  9. No. #4 is furry worrying. We are purring for your GrandDad, Mudpie.

    We love your embroidered image.
