
Monday, April 24, 2023

Mudpie Interviews...Percival & Jasper from Ruth J. Hartman's Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery Series

The life of a cat groomer isn’t just pampering purring felines, it's murder.

Mobile Cat Groomer Molly Stewart loves her job. Until she finds the dead body of one of her pet parents stabbed with a garden implement in his back yard. When Molly’s uncle Russ becomes the prime suspect in the murder and the sheriff won’t consider anyone else, Molly claws through obstacles as she prowls for clues.

With help from handsome veterinarian Hank Chenowith and Molly’s two cats, Percival and Jasper, will Molly succeed in proving her uncle’s innocence before the real murderer pounces on her?

Brushed Up On Murder introduces readers to cat groomer Molly Stewart, who divides her time between her very own salon and a mobile grooming van. She's built a successful business in the small town of Whitewater Valley with a steady stream of customers, so it comes as a complete shock when she brings one of her furry clients home, only to find their owner dead in the garden. Molly becomes the new owner of now orphaned Jasper, and has her hands full trying to get her own cat Percival to accept his new brother, but that's nothing compared to the detective work she's forced to take on when her beloved uncle becomes the main suspect.

I look forward to spending more time with this fun cast of characters, and especially watching Molly's relationship with hunky vet Hank evolve!

Mudpie was very excited to have the opportunity to interview Percival & Jasper, the feline stars of this series. We hope you enjoy learning more about them!

Welcome, Percival & Jasper! Thank you so much for chatting with me today. Could you start by telling us a little about yourselves and how you each came to live with Molly? 

Hi, this is Percival! Molly has been my human for a long time now. We're so close, she even takes me to work with her!
And I'm Jasper! Molly rescued me from a bad situation where I might have ended up in a pet shelter. I'm so much happier with her!

What's a typical day like for you? 

Percival again. Sometimes, Molly sees clients - other cats whose humans bring them to her to be brushed and bathed. And other times she has a mobile grooming van where she goes to the humans' houses and sees the kitties there. I like those best since I get to go along for the ride!

Since your human is a mobile cat groomer, do you like it when she fusses with your fur or do you prefer taking care of those things yourselves? 

It's Jasper again. Before I came to live with Molly, my other human took me to see her so she could groom me, so I love it! She always makes me look so handsome. :)

In Brushed Up On Murder, the first book in the Mobile Cat Groomer mystery series, you two don't exactly see to eye. Are you getting along? 

Percival here. Jasper and I did have a rough start when Molly first brought him home. Even though I see lots of other cats at Molly's work it was the first time she'd ever brought one into our house. But Molly, with advice from her friend, Hank, helps us!

Do you lend a paw in helping Molly solve the mystery?

Percival again. Yes! Since she takes me to work with her, I got to be in on finding clues and checking out possible suspects. It was fun! And when Molly figured out who the killer was, Jasper helped too!

What are some of your favorite things to do when you're not sleuthing? (Toys, treats, nap spots...)

Jasper again. I love naps. And treats. And catnip! Molly used some catnip for Percival and me when she was trying to get us to be friends. It smelled awesome!

Can you give us any clues as to what's next for you? 

Percival again. Jasper and I are still so excited that we helped solve a murder! Along with Molly, we're ready to pounce on the next one that comes along!


About the Author:
Ruth J. Hartman spends her days herding cats and her nights spinning mysterious tales. She, her husband, and their cats love to spend time curled up in their recliners watching old Cary Grant movies. Well, the cats sit in the people’s recliners. Not that the cats couldn’t get their own furniture. They just choose to shed on someone else’s.

Ruth, a left-handed, cat-herding, farmhouse-dwelling writer uses her sense of humor as she writes tales of lovable, klutzy women who seem to find trouble without even trying.

Ruth’s husband and best friend, Garry, reads her manuscripts, rolls his eyes at her weird story ideas, and loves her despite her insistence all of her books have at least one cat in them. See updates about her cozy mysteries at

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  1. Mudpie, I think this sounds like a good book for a human to read, but I'm not sure about having me groomed by a stranger. I wonder how that would be. Precious

  2. What a meowgnificent review Mudpie, Amber will definitely be adding this to her 'to read list', thanks mew for sharing!

  3. Sounds like a good book with your pawsome review :)
    This is the kind of book mum likes.
    Purrs, Julie

  4. I'm in. Sounds like a fun read.

    Have a purrfect day and week, Mudpie. My best to your peeps. ♥

  5. Great interview Miss Mudpie. That looks like a fun series. XO

  6. Good interview and review, Mudpie! The book sounds really good.

  7. Mudpie, thanks for the amazing interview!

  8. Mudpie, your talents have no bounds. Interviewer now, are we? I'm sure you dig deep to discover all the intricate machinations in the book.

  9. Another great interview and review, Mudpie! This looks like a really good read. We will check it out, for sure!
